Irish Archaeology17119. Harbison, Peter: Cooper's Ireland Drawings and Notes from an Eighteenth-Century Gentleman. Dublin: The O'Brien Press, 2000. 288 pp. 23.5 x 23.5 cm. Gold-blocked magenta boards, in very good condition, in a very good dw. The architectural drawings of the Irish civil servant, Austin Cooper (1759-1830), from the manuscript sources in the National Library of Ireland (Mss. 2122 TX (1) and (2). The drawings are 1781 to 1793. 132 illustrations. Map. Bibliography. Index. £14.5016700. Archaeological Survey of Ireland. Brindley, Anna and Annaba Kilfeather, compilers: Archaeological Inventory of County Carlow. Dublin: The Stationery Office, 1993. Archaeological Survey of Ireland. x+128 pp. 30.5 x 21.5cm. Illustrated with 18 plates, 4 colour plates, 11 maps, and 5 town plans. Bibliography. Indexes. Gold-blocked black boards in a very good dustwrapper. Bookplate of D.D.A. Simpson, late Professor of Archaeology, Queen's University, Belfast. In very good condition. £21.0016691. Archaeological Survey of Ireland. Moore, Michael J, compiler: Archaeological Inventory of County Wexford. Dublin: The Stationery Office, 1996. Archaeological Survey of Ireland. x+262 pp. 30.5 x 21.5cm. Illustrated with 8 colour plates, 39 b&w plates, and 28 maps. Bibliography. Indexes. Gold-blocked black boards, in a dustwrapper. The spine of the dw is sunned, o/w the book and its dw are in very good condition. £75.0016706. Archaeological Survey of Ireland. Moore, Michael, compiler.: Archaeological Inventory of County Waterford. Dublin: The Stationery Office, 1999. First edition. Archaeological Survey of Ireland. xii+315 pp. 30.5 x 21.5 cm. Illustrated with 60 plates, 7 colour plates, and 22 maps. Glossary, bibliography, and indexes. Gold-blocked black boards, in a very good dustwrapper. In very good condition. Unpackaged weight 1,450g. £75.0016696. Archaeological Survey of Ireland. Brindley, Anna L, compiler: Archaeological Inventory of County Monaghan. Dublin: The Stationery Office, 1986. First edition. Archaeological Survey of Ireland. xvii+531 pp. 30.5 x 21.5cm. Illustrated with 7 plates, 15 maps. Bibliography. Index. Gold-blocked black boards, in a dustwrapper. The book is in very good condition. The dw is slightly chipped at the top of the spine, and is showing slight shelf-wear on the back. £21.0016752. Association of Young Irish Archaeologists: Excavations 1975-76. Summary accounts of archaeological work in Ireland. Belfast: Association of Young Irish Archaeologists,1971. 30 pp. 30 x 21 cm. TG Delaney, editor. Locations maps for excavations in 1975 and in 1976 and descriptions of the 37 and 33 excavations respectively. Glazed pictorial card covers. This publication covers the whole island of Ireland. £10.0019666. Bateson, J. D.: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. 73, Section C, Number 2. Roman Material from Ireland: A Re-consideraion Dublin: Royal Irish Academy 1973. 24.5 x 18.5 cm. pp. 21-97, blue card covers, author's inscription on top of the front cover, in very good condition. £10.0016753. Bennett, Isabel, editor: Excavations 1992. Summary accounts of archaeological excavations in Ireland. Bray: Wordwell Ltd, for the Organisation of Irish Archaeologists,1993. 66 pp. 29 x 20.5 cm. 183 excavation reports, and appendices. Locations map, and some plates, plans, and maps. Semi-matt pictorial card covers. This publication covers the whole island of Ireland. £10.0016716. Bennett, Isabel, editor: Excavations 1997: Summary accounts of archaeological excavations in Ireland. Dublin: Wordwell, 1998. xxii+207 pp. 30 x 21.5 cm. Information on 633 sites. Some maps and plates. Gold-blocked black boards, in very good condition, in a very good dustwrapper. This publication covers the whole island of Ireland. £25.0016715. Bennett, Isabel, editor: Excavations 1998: Summary accounts of archaeological excavations in Ireland. Dublin: Wordwell, 2000. xxv+348 pp. 30 x 21.5 cm. Some plates, maps, and plans. Gold-blocked black boards, in very good condition, in a very good dustwrapper. With Indexes 1969-1997, of location and type, compiled by Eoin Bairead. This publication covers the whole island of Ireland. £25.0016717. Bennett, Isabel, editor: Excavations 1999: Summary accounts of archaeological excavations in Ireland. Dublin: Wordwell, 2000. xxxi+312 pp. 30 x 21.5 cm. Some plates, maps, and plans. Gold-blocked black boards, in very good condition, in a very good dustwrapper. This publication covers the whole island of Ireland. £25.0016730. Bhreathnach, Edel: Tara A Select Bibliography. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1995. Discovery Programme Reports 3. ix+173 pp. 30.5 x 21.5 cm. Bibliography under twenty headings, followed by sections on Literary and Historical interpretations of the sources, and Archaeology and Topography. Gold-blocked white laminated boards. In very good condition, apart from a small edge bump to the front board. £11.0020255. Cleary, Rose M.: Enclosed Late Bronze Age Habitation Site and Boundary Wall at Lough Gur, Co. Limerick. Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 103C, Number 4. 2003 24.5 x 17 cm. pp.189-59. 26 figures, 4 plates, tables. blue paper covers, in very good condition. £10.0020095. Condit, Tom and Derek Simpson: Irish Hengeform Enclosures and Related Monuments: a Review. Scientific Studies in early Mining & Extractive Metallurgy B.M. Occ. Paper 20, 1980. An unbound copy of this paper. 25 pp. illustrated, in good condition. £5.0017753. Connolly, Michael: Discovering the Neolithic in County Kerry a passage tomb at Ballycarty. Bray: Wordwell,1999. x + 96 pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. 37 plates. Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition. This was an important discovery which may help change hitherto accepted history about the neolithic in Munster. £15.0016710. Crew, Peter and Susan: Early Mining in the British Isles. Plas Tan y Bwlch: Snowdonia National Park Study Centre, 1990. Occasional Paper No 1. First edition. 80 pp. 29.5 x 21cm. 22 essays, including two on copper mining in SW Ireland. Illustrated with 60 figures and plates, including maps. Semi-matt pictorial card covers. Slight shelf-wear. £20.0010848. Davies, Oliver: Excavations at Island MacHugh. Belfast: Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, 1950. Supplement to the Proceedings and Reports of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. 124 pp. 25 x 18.5 cm. Illustrated with 8 plates, and 31 figures, some folding. Professionally rebound in burgundy cloth , gold-blocked spine, and new endpapers. Former owner's name on the title page and the same owner has added a few neat annotations to the text. This report was the author's last major report on his archaeological work in Ireland over an 18 year period. This report covers an island in one of the lakes in the Baronscourt demesne in Co. Tyrone. Scarce. £95.0016651. Davies, Oliver: Excavations at Island MacHugh. Belfast: Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, 1950. Supplement to the Proceedings and Reports of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. 124 pp. 25 x 18.5 cm. This report was its author's last major report on his archaeological work in Ireland, over an 18 year period. This report covers an island in one of the lakes in the Baronscourt demesne in Co. Tyrone. Illustrated with 8 plates, and drawings, and 31 figures, some folding. In original printed-card covers, as issued. Former owner's name neatly written on the title page, with a discreet stamp declaring that the book has been supplied for the public service. Scarce. £95.0018377. Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands An Roinn Ealaion, Oidreachta, Gaeltachta & Oilean: Framework and Principles for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage. Dublin: Stationery Office, 1999. 100 pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. 28 illustrations. Semi-matt card covers. In very good condition. The text is in both Irish and English. £10.0018378. Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands An Roinn Ealaion, Oidreachta, Gaeltachta & Oilean: Policy and Guidelines on Archaeological Excavation. Dublin: Stationery Office, 1999. 52 pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. 12 illustrations. 1 map. Semi-matt card covers. Minor annotation, otherwise in good condition. The text is in both Irish and English. £8.0016775. Doyle, Lisa and Dermot G. Moore: Antrim Coast and Glens A Preliminary Assessment of the Archaeology. Volume 1 Main Report. Belfast: Queen's University Belfast Environment and Heritage Service,1997. iv+53 pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. 5 coloured maps. Bibliography. Pictorial paper covers in a black ring binder. In very good condition. £15.0010818. Eogan, George: Catalogue of Irish Bronze Swords. Dublin: National Museum of Ireland, 1965. xxix+190 pp. 28.5 x 22.5 cm. Ninety-seven Figures. Silver-blocked dark green boards. A little light fading to the spine, and bookplate of DAA Simpson, late Professor of Archaeology at Queen's University, Belfast, otherwise in very good condition. The standard work on the subject. £42.0020243. Eogan, George: Irish Antiquities of the Bronze Age, Iron Age and early Christian Period in the National Museum of Denmark. Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 691 C, Number 6. 1991. 25 x 18 cm. pp.9-34. 3 plates. blue paper covers, in very good condition. This museum houses the largest collection of Irish archaeological objects on the continent of Europe. £10.0020272. Eogan, George: Report on the Excavations of some Passage Graves, Unprotected Inhumation Burials and a Settlement Site at Knowth Co Meath. Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 74 C, Number 2. 1974. 25 x 18 cm. pp.11-112. 34 plates. blue paper covers, in very good condition. £10.0020244. Eogan, George: The Gold Vessels of the Bronze Age, in Ireland and beyond. Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 81 C, Number 14. 1981 25 x 18 cm. pp.345-382. 8 plates. blue paper covers, in very good condition. £10.0016482. Evans, Estyn: Prehistoric and Early Christian Ireland A Guide. London: Batsford, 1966. First edition. xii + 241 pp. 23 x 15cm. 100 illustrations in text. Map. Silver-blocked green boards, no dustwrapper. Old light stain and fading to the lower spine extremity and rear board. £10.0020810. Fenlon, Jane: Ormond Castle Visitor's Guide. Dublin: OPW revised 2008. 60 pp. plans, illustrations, softcovers, in very good condition. The castle has been beautifully restored in recent years. £10.0014690. Flanagan, L.N.W.: Ulster. London: Heineman Eductional Books, 1970. Regional Archaeologies. vi + 56 pp. 21.5 x 17 cm. "An authoritative introduction to local archaeology". Forty-five maps and plates. Bibliography, gazetteer of sites, list of museums, and index. Gold-blocked orange boards. Worn dw, o/w in good condition. £10.0016518. Flanagan, Laurence: A Dictionary of Irish Archaeology. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1992. 219 pp. 21 x 14 cm. A useful survey of important archaeological sites in Ireland. Illustrated. Bibliography. Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition. £15.0017862. Fourwinds, Tom: Monu-Mental About Prehistoric Antrim. Dublin: Nonsuch Publishing, 2008. 160 pp. 23.5 x 15.5 cm. General introduction, followed by gazetteer. 115 plates and drawings. Map. Pictorial glazed card covers. Author inscribed half title page. Old creases to top corner of the front cover, otherwise in good condition. £10.0017860. Fourwinds, Tom: Monu-Mental About Prehistoric Dublin. Dublin: Nonsuch Publishing 2006. 160 pp. 23.5 x 15.5 cm. General introduction, followed by gazetteer. 107 plates and drawings. Map. Bibliography. Pictorial semi-matt card covers. Author inscribed half title page. In very good condition. £10.0017861. Fourwinds, Tom: Monu-Mental About Prehistoric Waterford. Dublin: Nonsuch Publishing 2007. 160 pp. 23.5 x 15.5 cm. General introduction, followed by gazetteer. 124 plates and drawings. Map. Notes. Pictorial semi-matt card covers. Author inscribed half title page. In very good condition. £10.0018161. Harbison, Peter: Ireland Before St. Patrick. Dublin: Eason & Son Ltd, 1978. The Irish Heritage Series : 14. 22 pp. 25 x 15 cm. 24 illustrations, mostly in colour. Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition. £9.5020241. Herity, M. E. E.Evans, and B.R.S. Megaw: The "Larne" Material in Lord Antrim's Collection at the Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 67, Section C, Number 2. 1968. 25 x 18 cm. pp.9-34. 3 plates. blue paper covers, in very good condition. £10.0020089. Jackson, J. Wilfred: On the Diatomaceous Deposit of the Lower Bann valley, Co. Antrim's Antrim and Derry and Prehistoric Implements found therein. Manchester: Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society Jan.26th 1909. A stapled photocopy of this article. 20 pp. illustrated, in good condition. £5.0020094. Jackson, John S: Bronze Age Copper Mining in Counties Cork and Kerry Ireland. Scientific Studies in early Mining & Extractive Metallurgy B.M. Occ. Paper 20, 1980. A stapled copy of this work. 29 pp. illustrated, in good condition. £5.0020269. King, Heather A.: Excavations in the Fourknocks Ridge Co. Meath. Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 99, C, Number 5. 1999. 25 x 18 cm. pp.157-198, 11 figures 2 plates. blue paper covers, in very good condition. £10.0017297. Macalister, R.A. Stewart: The Memorial Slabs of Clonmacnoise, King's County: with an Appendix on the Materials for a History of the Monastery Dublin: University Press for the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 1909. xxxii+158 pp. 26.5 x 17 cm. 207 figures. Folding map frontispiece. Plans. Gold-blocked green boards, faded. No dw. Several old library stamps, and gutters splitting, but overall fair/good. A scarce title. £65.0017329. Macalister, R.A.S.: Monasterboice. Dundalk: W. Tempest, Dundalgan Press, 1946. First edition. (vi) + 79 pp. 23 x 15 cm. 19 plates. 17 figures. Plain green library binding, with green backstrip, no dustwrapper. An ex library copy with a library bookplate on the front pastedown. A fair copy. The author had made a special study of this important site and was the acknowledged expert. £20.0019330. Mallory, J. P. and T. E. McNeill: The Archaeology of Ulster From Colonization to Plantation. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies The Queens University of Belfast, 1991. x + 367 pp. 24 x 16 cm. Profusely illustrated. Bibliography. Index. Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition. £12.0019221. Mallory, J. P. and T. E. McNeill: The Archaeology of Ulster From Colonization to Plantation. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies The Queens University of Belfast, 1991. x + 367 pp. 24 x 16 cm. Profusely illustrated. Bibliography. Index. Gold-blocked green boards. In very good condition, in a price-clipped dw. £15.0016746. Mallory, J.P. and Eimear Nelis: Excavations at Donegore Hill County Antrim. Belfast: 24 June 1999. 61+7+28+7 pp. 29.5 x 22 cms. Excavation report. In blue card covers with a black plastic spiral binding. In good condition. £20.006315. McConnell, Charles: Ramparts The Defences of Carrickfergus. Carrickfergus: Carmac Books 2002. 68 pp. illustrated, paper covers, one of a series of books on local history, very good. £6.0018007. McDonald, Theresa: Achill: 5000 B.C. to 1900 A.D. Archaeology History Folklore. Achill: Theresa McDonald, 1992. 223 pp. 21.5 x 15 cm. 46 figures, including maps. 61 plates. Pictorial glazed card covers. Signed by authior, and by Irish transport historian, Grenfell Morton, on the title page. In very good condition. £25.0020392. McEarlean, Thomas, Rosemary McConkey, Wes Forsythe: Strangford Lough An Archaeological Survey of the Maritime Cultural Landscape. Belfast: The Blackstaff Press, Environment and Heritage Service: 2002. Northern Ireland Archaeological Monographs No.6. xxiii+688 pp. illustrated, maps, gold blocked blue boards in a very good dustwrapper. It was reprinted with corrections in 2003. This is an exceptionally heavy book 3.2 kg. unpacked and overseas customers should note that extra postage will be required. Please check with us before ordering. £125.0018456. McNeill, T.E: Anglo-Norman Ulster The History and Archaeology of an Irish Barony 1177-1400. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1980. ix + 157pp. 24 x 16 cm. 8 plates. 21 figures including maps. In very good condition, in a very good dustwrapper. This was a substantial and ground-breaking study of the Earldom of Ulster: appearance, resources, and functions, and the establishment of an English way of life along the N E coast. A scarce title. £25.0019168. McNeill, Tom: Castles in Ireland Feudal Power in a Gaelic World. London: Routledge, 1997. xiii + 261 pp. 24 x 17.5 cm. 132 figures. Bibliography. Index. Pictorial glazed cardcovers. In very good condition. £12.0016886. McNeill, Tom: Castles in Ireland Feudal Power in a Gaelic World. London: Routledge, 1997. xiii+261 pp. 25.5 x 18 cm. 132 illustrations. Silver-blocked black boards. In very good condition, in a dustwrapper which shows very light shelfwear. Inscribed by the author on the title page. £15.0020090. Mitchel, N. C.: The Lower Bann Fisheries. Belfast: Ulster Folklife 1965. A stapled photocopy of this article. 32 pp. illustrated, small minor ring stain to first page, otherwise in good condition. £5.0016748. Moore, Sam: The Archaeology of Slieve Donard A Cultural Biography of Ulster's Highest Mountain. Downpatrick: Down County Museum, 2012. Down Survey 2012. v + 176 pp. 30 x 21 cm. Illustrated with maps, and drawings, most in glorious colour. Pictorial glazed card covers, in very good condition. A valuable study. £25.0020423. Mount, Charles: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. 97 C, No 1, Adolf Mahr's Excavations of an Early Bronze Age Cemetery at Keenoge County Meath. Dublin:Royal Irish Academy 1997. 24.5 x 17 cm. 68 pp. 16 plates, blue light card covers, inscribed by the author, in very good condition. £15.0015189. Navan Research Group: Emania Bulletin of the Navan Research Group Number 16. Belfast: School of Geosciences QUB, 1997. 78 pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. Focus on Warfare. The four articles include: Horses Led by a Mare - Martial Aspects of Tain Bo Cuailnge, Contracting for Combat Flyting and Fighting in Tain Bo Cuailnge, Age Grades Age Classes and Alternate Succession A Restatement of the Basis at the Societal level of Indo-European Symbolic Partition, and A Translation of the Tochmarc Treblainne. Plates, maps, diagrams, sketches, tables, and graphs. Pictorial semi-matt card covers. In very good condition. £15.0015187. Navan Research Group: Emania Bulletin of the Navan Research Group Number 19. Belfast: School of Geosciences QUB, 2002. 84 pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. Focus on Navan. The eight articles include: Navan Fort Site C Excavations May 2000, A Note on Experimental Burning at Navan, Applying Bayesian Mathematics to the Navan Fort Radiocarbon Chronology, A Newly Discovered Iron-Age Pendant from Navan, Oileamhain Con Culainn "Cu Chulainn's Training", Stories about Diarmait mac Cerbaill from the Book of Lismore, Regionalism within Bronze Age Ireland, Celtic Heritage in the North-west of the Iberian Peninsula, and others. Plates, maps, diagrams, sketches, tables, and graphs. Pictorial semi-matt card covers. In very good condition. £15.0020093. Nelis, Dermot: The Pebble Maceheads of Ireland. May 1989. A stapled copy of this work. 14 (14) pp. illustrated, in good condition. £5.0016732. Newman, Conor: Tara A n Archaeological Survey. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1997. Discovery Programme Reports 2. xxx+376 pp. 30.5 x 21.5 cm. 108 figures, 40 plates, some in colour. Glossary. Bibliography. Pictorial laminated boards. In very good condition. £20.0020257. O Nuallain, S: Boulder Burials Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 78, C, Number 4. 1978 25 x 18 cm. pp.75-114, 14 figures 10 plates. blue paper covers,small library stamp on bottom of the front cover otherwise in good condition. £10.0016943. O'Brien, William: Ross Island and the Mining Heritage of Killarney. Galway: Department of Archaeology National University of Ireland, Galway, 2006. ii + 30 pp. 21 x 15 cm. Account of 4,000 years of sporadic mining in the area, particularly in the early nineteenth century, and what can be seen today. 33 figures, including maps, mostly in colour. Pictorial glazed card covers. As new. £10.0020242. O'Brien, William: The Bronze Age Copper Mines of the Goleen Area Co Cork. Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 103C, Number 2. 2003 24.5 x 17 cm. pp.13-59. 17 figures, 5 plates. blue paper covers, in very good condition. £10.0020424. O'Kelly, M.J. and Claire O'Kelly: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. 83 C, No 5, The Tumulus of Dowth County Meath. Dublin:Royal Irish Academy 1983. 24.5 x 17 cm. pp. 136-190, 10 plates, blue light card covers, inscribed by one of the authors, in very good condition. £15.0020270. O'Kelly, M.J. Frances Lynch and Claire O'Kelly: Three Passage Graves at Newgrange, Co. Meath. Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 78, C, Number 510 1978. 25 x 18 cm. pp.249-352, 14 figures 7 plates. blue paper covers,small library stamp on bottom of the front cover otherwise in good condition. £12.0020239. O'Nuallain, Sean: Stone Rows in the South of Ireland Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Section C. - Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature.Volume 88, C, Number 7. 25 x 18 cm. pp.179-256. 66 figures. blue paper covers, in very good condition. £10.0010837. O'Riordain, Sean P.: Antiquities of the Irish Countryside. London: Methuen University Paperbacks, 1966. Third edition, reprinted. xiv + map + 108 pp. 20.5 x 13.5 cm. Five text illustrations and eighty-eight plates. The standard work. Pictorial card covers. Previous owner's name neatly written on titlepage, o/w in very good condition. £10.0013790. O'Riordain, Sean P.: Antiquities of the Irish Countryside. London: Methuen University Paperbacks, 1964. Fourth edition. xiv + map + 108 pp. 22.5 x 13.5 cm. Five text illustrations and eighty-eight plates. The standard work. Pictorial semi-matt card covers. Slight wear to covers, and bookplate of DDA Simpson, late Professor of Archaeology at Queen's University, Belfast, o/w in good condition. £10.0019672. Otway-Ruthven, A.J: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. 66, Section C, Number 5. The Partition of the De Verdon Lands in Ireland in 1332. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy 1968. 25.5 x 18.5 cm. pp. 401-454, blue light card covers, folding plates, partly uncut, coversa little shelfworn in good condition. £10.0018201. Pestano, Dane: King Arthur in Irish Pseudo-Historical Tradition An Introduction. Sussex: Dark Age Arthurian Books, 2011. 142pp. 23 x 15.5 cm. "over 200 footnotes". Appendix. Bibliography. Index. Pictorial glazed card covers, in very good condition. A challenging book. £10.0020409. Poe J.W.: The Cromlechs of County Dublin Described and Illustrated. Blackrock Co. Dublin: Carraig Books 1979 reprint of the original edition of 1904. 21.5 x 15 cm. ix+29pp.illustrated by drawings, softcovers, in very good condition. £5.0020493. Pryor, Francis: A Descriptive Catalogue of Some Ancient Irish Metalwork in the Collections ofthe Royal Ontario Museum , Toronto. Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Vol.l06. 1976. 24 x 18 cm. pp 73-92, 33 figures, card covers in very good condition. Signed by author. £10.0016630. Rackard, Anna: Fish Stone Water Holy Wells of Ireland. Cork: Atrium, 2001. Photography by Liam O'Callaghan. 144 pp. 18.5 x 28 cm. Features fifty well-known wells. Illustrated. Map, Glossary, and Bibliography. Pictorial matt boards. A little rubbing from shelfwear, otherwise good. £15.0020110. Rolfe, Nigel: West of West Ancient Monuments in Ireland A Sense of Ireland Exhibition. Dublin: Bord na Mona 1st ed. 1980. 25 x 21 cm. 35 pp. illustrated softcovers, £5.0016604. Royal Irish Academy: Discovery Programme Reports: 1 Project Results 1992. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy / Discovery Programme, 1993. 109 pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. Includes: Western Stone Fort Project, Ballyhoura Hills Project, North Munster Project, and Tara Project. Illustrated with 59 figures and 19 plates, some in colour. Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition. £15.0016605. Royal Irish Academy: Discovery Programme Reports: 2 Project Results 1993. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy / Discovery Programme, 1993. 126 pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. Includes: Western Stone Fort Project, Ballyhoura Hills Project, North Munster Project, Tara Project, and A Palynological Study of Landscape and Agrigultural development in County Louth. Illustrated with 43 figures, 4 tables, and 20 plates, in colour. Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition. £15.0016606. Royal Irish Academy: Discovery Programme Reports: 4 Project Results 1994. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy / Discovery Programme, 1994. 98 pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. Includes: Western Stone Fort Project, Ballyhoura Hills Project, North Munster Project, Cultural Identity and Tara. Illustrated with 40 figures, and 21 plates, many in colour. Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition. £15.0016758. Royal Irish Academy: Discovery Programme Reports: 5. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy / Discovery Programme, 1999. xiv+146 pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. Articles include: Authority and Supremacy in Tara and its Hinterland c950-1200, Landscapes of movement and control, interpreting prehistoric hillforts and fording places on the River Shannon, Western Stone Forts project, Ballyhoura Hills Project, Knocknalappa Co. Clare A Reappraisal, Excavations at Mooghaun South 1995, and Archaeological applications of modern Survey Techniques. Illustrated with 57 figures, and 31 plates, many in colour. Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition. £15.0010831. Rynne, Etienne, editor: North Munster Studies Essays in Commemoration of Monsignor Michael Moloney. Limerick: The Thomond Archaeological Society, 1967. xvi+535 pp. 24.5 x 18.5 cm. illustrated, hardback, signed by the editor on the ffep. The dustwrapper is a bit rubbed otherwise in very good condition. £50.0017351. Scott, BG, editor: Perspectives in Irish Archaeology Papers presented to the 5th annual seminar of The Association of Young Irish Archaeologists. Belfast: The Association of Young Irish Archaeologists, 1974. The Seminar was in 1973, but these papers were not published until 1974. 120 pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. Maps, graphs, aerial photographs, sketches, diagrams, and X-radiographs. Pictorial glazed card covers. Small corner crease to the top of the front cover, o/w in very good condition. £10.0020491. Simpson, D.D.A.: The Stone Battle Axes of Ireland Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries Vol 120. 1990. 24.5 x 18 cm. pp 5-40 2 plates, 18 figures, card covers inscription by author on the front cover. Simpson was Professor of Archaeology at Queens University Belfast. £10.0020492. Simpson, D.D.A.: The Stone Maceheads of Ireland Part II. Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries Vol 119. 1989 24.5 x 18 cm. pp 113-126, 17 figures, card covers in very good condition. Simpson was Professor of Archaeology at Queens University Belfast. £10.0020256. Stout, Geraldine: Embanked Enclosures of the Boyne Region. Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 91, C, Number 9. 1991 25 x 18 cm. pp.245-284, 20 figures 11 plates. blue paper covers, in very good condition. £10.0018002. Stout, Geraldine: Newgrange and the Bend of the Boyne. Cork: Cork University Press, 2002. Irish Rural Landscapes: Volume I. xxiii + 233 pp. 30.5 x 24.5 cm. Profusely illustrated in colour, with lots of maps. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Gold-blocked blue boards, in very good condition, in a very good dw. Almost as new. Unpackaged weight 1,500g. This is a heavy book, overseas shipping will require extra postage. £20.0020435. Sweetman, P. David: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. 85 C, No 6, Excavation of a Late Neolithic / Early Bronze Age Site at Newgrange Co Meath. Dublin:Royal Irish Academy 1987. 24.5 x 17 cm. pp. 284-298, 6 plates, 6 figures, blue light card covers, inscribed by the author on front cover, in very good condition. £10.0020434. Sweetman, P. David: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. 85 C, No 8, A Late Bronze Age Pit Circle at Newgrange Co Meath. Dublin:Royal Irish Academy 1985'. 24.5 x 17 cm. pp. 196-221, 5 plates, blue light card covers, inscribed by the author on front cover, in very good condition. £10.0016997. The Office of Public Works: Ireland in the Bronze Age Dublin Castle Conference 21-3 April 1995 Programme. Dublin: The Stationery Office, 1995. (26) pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. Conference programme, and abstracts of seventeen papers. 0ne figures. Plastic comb binding. Card covers. Few slight marks on front cover, o/w in very good condition. £15.0017062. Thomas, N.L.: Irish Symbols of 3500 BC Cork & Dublin: The Mercier Press,1988. 111 pp. 23 x 18 cm. The 40 illustrations include a map and 13 plates. Pictorial glazed card covers. Minor wear to covers, otherwise in good condition. £10.0020274. Tuckwell, Alexandra: Report on the Excavations of some Passage Graves,Patterns of Burial Orientation in the Round Barrows of East Yorkshire. University of London: Reprinted from Bulletin No. 12 of the Institute of Archaeology. 1975.. 25 x 18 cm. pp.95-123, 8 figures cream card covers, in very good condition. £10.0017348. Ulster Archaeological Society: Ulster Journal of Archaeology Volume 1 - Volume 16. Belfast: Ulster Archaeology Society, 1894 -1910. 24 x 18.5 cm. Eight uniformly-bound volumes containing the first sixteen volumes of this revived Journal. The Ulster Journal of Archaeology was first published between 1853 and 1862, and then ensued a 32-year gap before its revival with Vol. I No. I, in September 1894. In quarter leather and green boards. Six-panelled spines with raised bands, gilt decoration, lining, and titling. Marbled endpapers. Each volume is illustrated and has plans, etc. Vol. I,II, 313+291 pp. Vol. III,IV, 294+270+45 pp. Vol. V,VI, 246+251 pp. Vol. VII,VIII, 208+202 pp. Vol. IX,X, 186+191 pp. Vol. XI,XII, 189+192 pp. Vol. XIII, XIV, 192+192 pp. Vol. XV,XVI, 188+152 pp. Showing slight shelfwear and edge-rubbing, but overall in very good condition. Probably bound for a previous owner in his personal library binding. £250.0020856. Ulster Archaeology Society: Ulster Journal of Archaeology Third Series Volume 59, 2000. Belfast: Ulster Archaeology Society, . 99 pp. illustrated, paper covers, in very good condition. Articles include, Rescue excavations at Templecorran Ballycarry, A rescue excavation on Rathlin Island, Excavations at the site of Newry Abbey, Two recent finds of fourteenth century coins from Armagh and Loughbrickland, and others. £12.0020939. Ulster Archaeology Society: Ulster Journal of Archaeology Third Series Volume 60, 2001. Belfast: Ulster Archaeology Society, .2001 138 pp. illustrated, softcovers, in very good condition. Articles Include, Analysis of a lithic assemblage from Eleven Ballyboes, The Excavation of a Wedge Tomb at Ballybriest Co. Derry, The Past and Future of Irish implement petrography, The excavation of an unenclosed house of the early Christian period, Crannog and inverted-rim pottery, Antiquities from the River Blackwater III iron axe heads, Archaeological excavations at Market Square Antrim, The Archaeological survey of County Cavan, Antiquities of the Cavehill Belfast an antiquarian note, and others. £12.0016806. Ulster Journal of Archaeology: Ulster Journal of Archaeology Third Series Volume 20. Belfast: Ulster Archaeology Society, 1957. 142 pp. 24.5 x 18 cm. Articles include: Analysis of Pre-Christian Skeletal Material, Trial Excavations in a Round Cairn Knockiveagh, Excavations at two Standing Stones in Co. Down, Excavations at the Giants Ring Ballynahatty, Some recent finds of Bronze implements, A second gold find from Downpatrick, Dunbeg a small hillfort in Co. Down, The maps of the Brownlow estate and the study of the rural landscape Co. Armagh, Charcoal burning ironworks in seventeenth and eighteenth century Ireland, and more. Copiously illustrated, with plates, figures, tables, and figures. Matt card covers. In very good condition, almost as new. Please note: we have in stock a lot of unlisted issues of the UJA, dating back to the 1930s. £12.0016734. Waddell, John: The Bronze Age Burials of Ireland. Galway: Officina Typographica Galway University Press, 1990. First edition. xii+166pp. 30.5 x 21.5 cm. A county-by-county list of known and historially-recorded burials of this period. This is the first time such a comprehensive list has been attempted. 133 figures, including maps, and 3 plates. Bookplate of D.D.A. Simpson, late Professor of Archaeology, Queen's University, Belfast. Gold-blocked black boards, in dw. The book itself is in good condition, but the dw is worn. Scarce. £50.0016601. Waddell, John and Elizabeth Shee Twohig: Ireland in the Bronze Age Proceedings of the Dublin Conference, April 1995. Dublin: The Stationary Office, 1995. 169 pp. 29.5 x 20.5 cm. Fifteen papers, and an introduction. Illustrated with 32 plates, 60 figures, and 5 tables. Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition. £45.0019972. Welsh, Henry: Ulster Archaeological Society Survey Report No 19.Survey of Site of the Queen Anne Period Mansion Castle Ward Co. Down UAS/09/04 Belfast: Ulster Archaeological Society in association with the National Trust 2011. 29.5 x 21 cm.23 pp. illustrations, plans, softcovers, in a black plastc spiral binder, in very good condition. £15.0019973. Welsh, Henry: Ulster Archaeological Society Survey Report No 19.Survey of Site of the Queen Anne Period Mansion Castle Ward Co. Down UAS/09/04 Belfast: Ulster Archaeological Society in association with the National Trust 2011. 29.5 x 21 cm.23 pp. illustrations, plans, softcovers, in a black plastc spiral binder, in very good condition. £15.0020245. Westrupp, Thomas Johnson: Prehistoric Remains ( Forts and Dolmens ) along the Borders of Burren in the County of Clare. Dublin: The Journal of the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Antiquaries of Ireland Part 3 Vol. XXXV 3r Quarter Sept. 1906. 24.5 x 15.5 cm. pp.205-226. illustrations. blue paper covers, in good condition. £10.0020087. Whelan, C.B.: A Bone Industry from the Lower Bann. Belfast.H.M.S.O. 1952. A stapled photocopy of this article. 15 pp. map, illustrated, in good condition. £5.0017116. Wijngaarden-Bakker, Louise H. Van: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 86 C. Number 2. The Animal Remains from the Beaker Settlement at Newgrange Co. Meath Final Report. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1986. pp.18-111. 24.5 x 17.5 cm. 8 plates. Printed blue card covers. Small black felt-tip rectangle on the top margin of the first page, otherwise in very good condition. Covers the 1966-69 seasons. £15.0020240. Wijngaarden-Bakker, Louise H. Van: The Animal Remains From the Beaker Settlement at Newgrange, Co. Meath; First Report Dublin: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume 74, Section, C, Number 11. 1 25 x 18 cm. pp.313-383 . plates lxvi-lxxiii. blue paper covers, in very good condition. £10.0016566. Wood-Martin, W.G.: The Lake Dwellings of Ireland: or Ancient Lacustrine Habitations of Erin, Commonly Called Crannogs. Dublin: Crannog Editions, 1983. First published in 1886. xxi + 318 pp. 24.5 x 16 cm. 50 plates. 238 figures in the text. Index. Gold-blocked dark-blue boards, in very good condition, in a good dustwrapper. A short tear in the dw has been carefully closed with peelable tape. One of the great classics of Irish archaeology. £40.00 |