Bibliography20990. : An Exhibition of Notable Books on Science and Medicine held in the Arts Library of the University Manchester University 1962. 63 pp. light card covers, in very good condition. £10.0021017. : Gutenberg-Museum Der Stadt Mainz Weltmuseum der Druckkunst. Mainz 1971. 27 x 19.5 cm. 97 pp.illustrated, card covers, in very good condition.Preface in English and French, text in German. £10.0020869. : Interim Report of the Committee on House of Commons Personnel and Politics 1264-1832 London: H.M.S.O. 1932. Cmd. 4130. 24.5 x 15.5 cm.155 pp. an old library plate to the rear of the front cover. Covers somewhat dusty otherwise in good condition. £10.0020993. : Treasures from Scottish Libraries Catalogue of an Exhibition held in the Library of Trinity College Dublin 3 July - 1 August 1964 Edinburgh National Library of Scotland 1964. 42pp. 16 plates, card covers in good condition. £10.0020699. Black, R.D. Collison: A Catalogue of Pamphlets on Economic Subjects published between 1750and 1900 and now housed in Irish Libraries. Belfast: The Queen's University 1969. 29 x 22 cm. ix+623 pp. gold blocked green boards, in a slightly worn dustwrapper. In very good condition overall.This is a heavy item and may incur extra shipping costs for overseas. Buyers are advsed to contact us for overseas shipping costs. £20.0019820. Feather, John: An Index to Selected Bibliographical Journals 1971 - 1985. Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical Society, 1991. 134 pp. 25.5 x 18.5 cm. Black-blocked blue card covers. In very good condition. £10.0020336. Adams, Thomas R: The Non-Cartographical Maritime Works Published by Mount and Page A Preliminary Hand-list London: The Bibliographical Society 1985. Occasional papers of the Bibliographical Society number 1 1985. 29.5 x 21 cm. 54 pp, softcovers, in good condition. £12.0020193. Alden, John: Bibliographica Hibernica Additions and Corrections to Wing.. Charlottesville: Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia 1955. 17 x 12.5 cm. Paper covers, stapled. Signed by the author on the title page with a dedication( to the late Gordon Wheeler) in very good condition. 215 items of Irish material in addition to, or in significant correction to Wing's "Short Title Catalogue..... Relatively scarce £15.0020991. Alexander, J.J.G.: Anglo-Saxon Illumination in Oxford Libraries Illumination of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries.. Oxford: Bodleian Library 1970. Bodleian Picture Books Special Series no 1. 16pp. 36 plates, bibliography, card covers in very good condition. £10.0019388. Alston, R.C.: The British Library Past Present Future. London: The British Library, 1989. 64pp. 32 x 24 cm. The story of the Library and its work, by people employed in the Library. 106 illustrations. Pictorial semi matt card covers. In very good condition. £15.0020931. Alston, R.C. editor: Order and Connexion Studies in Bibliography and Book History Selected Papers from The Munby Seminar Cambridge July 1994 Cambridge D.S. Brewer 1997. 24 x 16 cm. xxii+202 pp. 7 illustrations, dark red boards, in very good condition, no dustwrapper. £12.0019375. Archer, H. Richard, editor: Rare Book Collections. Some Theoretical and Practical Suggestions for Use by Librarians andStudents. Chigago: American Library Associations,1965. ACRL Monograph no. 27. viii + 128 pp. 23.5 x 15.5 cm. Bibliography. Matt card covers. Foxing to top of print blockr, otherwise in good condition. £10.0020194. Banbridge Library Centenary Committee: 100 Years of Banbridge Library Banbridge: library Centenary Committee 2002. 21 x 15 cm. 35 pp. 5 illustrations Card covers, in very good condition £15.0020602. Barber, G.: Textile and Embroidered Bindings. Oxford: Bodleian Library 1971. Bodleian Picture Books Special Series No 2. 23.5 x 15.5 cm. 11 pp+30 plates. Card covers, in very good condition. £12.0020674. Barber, Giles: French Letterpress Printing A list of French printing manualsand other texts in French bearing on the technique of letterpress printing 1567-1900.. Oxford Bibliographical Society Bodlieian Library 1969. Occasional Paper no 5. IX+39 pp. in card covers, in very good condition. £10.0020121. Barnard, Toby: A Guide to Sources for the History of Material Culture in Ireland 1500-2000. Dublin: Four Courts Press 23.5 x 15.5 cm. Maynooth Research Guides for Irish Local History. 128 pp. 19 illustrations, softcovers, in very good condition. £10.0021023. Baughman, Roland and Robert O. Schad editors.: Great Books in Great Editions. San Marino California The Huntingdon Library 2nd printing 1966. 24.5 x 17.5 cm. 65pp. illustrated, coftcovers, in very good condition. £10.0020197. Beattie, William: The Scottish Tradition in Printed Books London: Association of Assistant Librarians 1958. 18 x 12 cm. 8 pp. 26 illustrations,Card covers, in very good condition. £8.0020425. Bebbington, John: Belfast in Literature Reprinted from Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society Second Seroies Vol 4 Sessions 1950/51 -1954/55 24.5 x 17 cm. 16pp. paper covers, some spotting to cover otherwise in good condition. £10.0021165. Belfast Central Library: Irish Manuscripts Commission a Catalogue of holdings in the Irish and Local Studies Library. Belfast: Central Library September 3000. 29.5 x 21 cm.no pagination. (16 single sided pages) light card covers,front cover a bit dusty, marked, otherwise good. £10.0019277. Belfast Education and Library Board: Natural History A Select List of Fine Books From the Stock of Belfast Central Library. Belfast Education and Library Board, 1988. 51 pp. 21 x 15 cm. 18 coloured illustrations. Pictorial semi matt card covers. In very good condition. £15.0020304. Belfast Library and Society for Promoting Knowledge (Linen Hall Library): Catalogue of Early Belfast Printed Books, 1694 to 1830. along with two Supplements. Belfast: Linen Hall Library1887. 1890 and 1894. Three Items. First the original Catalogue of 1887. 23.5 x 15.5 cm 62+iii pp. card covers, some dustiness to the front covers otherwise in very good condition. Second; Catalogue of Early Belfast Printed Books, 1694 to 1830 Supplementary to the Third Edition published 1890. Thirdly; Catalogue of Early Belfast Printed Books, 1694 to 1830 Second Supplement to the Third Edition Catalogue 1902. £195.0020412. Belfast Municipal Museum and At Gallery: Quarterly Notes No LII June 1934. Belfast Municipal Museum and At Gallery Publication 107, June 1934. 21.5 x 14 cm. 18 pp.softcovers in very good condition. Three articles, list of Irish Books printed abroad, lent by Dr Samuel Sims. List of Early Printed books in Museum Library. Notes on Old Belfast Printers, by John J. Marshall. . £10.0020732. Belfast Municipal Museums: Opening of Shankill Road Branch Library 9th November 1928 Guide to the Museum Gallery. Belfast: Municipal Museum Publication 94. 1924. 22 x 14 cm. 18 pp. 8 illustrations, card covers, in very good condition.Curator Arthur Deane wrote that, "The Museum Gallery has been arranged to illustrate the arts and industries of our time and of days gone by, and also the study of natural history." £10.0019292. Benedikz, Benedikt S.: The Ulster Gift books presented to the University of Ulster. Coleraine: The University of Ulster, 1990. 103 pp. 27 x 21.5 cm. 12 illustrations. Printed matt card covers. In very good condition. Scarce. £50.0019382. Bennett, Stuart: Trade Bookbinding in the British Isles 1660-1800. New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, and London: The British Library, 2004. 176 pp. 30.5 x 24 cm. Over 200 colour illustrations. Index. Gold-blocked quarter cloth. In very good condition, in a very good dustwrapper. "A landmark study". £110.0019321. Benson, Charles & Siobhan Fitzpatrick, editors: That Woman! Studies in Irish Bibliography A Festchrift for Mary "Paul" Pollard. Dublin: The Lilliput Press, 2005, for the Library Association of Ireland Rare Books Group. xv + 310 pp. 29 x 21 cm. 19 illustrations, including frontispiece portrait. Marbled endpapers. Silk bookmark. Bibliography. Index. Gold-blocked black boards, in a good dustwrapper. Dr Mary Pollard has been the most distinguished historian of books in Ireland. Her two volumes, 'Dublin's Trade in Books 1550-1800' and 'Dictionary of Members of the Dublin Book-Trade 1550-1800' are viewed as standard works. This book contains contributions on topics in Irish historical bibliography and children's literature. Contents include: John Franckton (d1620) Printer, Publisher and Bookseller in Dublin; Tribulations of a King's Printer George Grierson II in Court; Reissues in the Dublin Book Trade The Case of George Grierson and William Williamson; Poor John Harding and Mad Tom "Harding's Resurrection" (1724); Swift's Non-Reading; At the Exchange The Eighteenth-Century Book Trade in Cork; Two Early Printed Verse Squibs from Cork; Irish Cathedral Libraries Before 1700; Aspects of the History of the Saumur Protestant Book Trade (1601-1684); Children and Books in Eighteenth-Century Ireland; Sophia Rosamond Praeger (1857-1954) A Woman of Many Talents; and Reflections on Writing and Editing, with Reference to National Archives (UK). Please note that this is a large heavy book- unpackaged weight 1,400g - and overseas shipping may require extra postage. £45.0020918. Binns, Norrman E.: An Introduction to Historical Bibliography. London: Association of Assistant Librarians 2nd edition revised and enlarged 1969. 22 x 14 cm. 388 pp. 53 illustrations in monochrome, gilt blocked blue boards, in very good condition in a v.g. dustwrapper, a classic work. £10.0019426. Blackburn, B and Holford-Strevens, L: The Oxford Companion to The Year An exploration of calendar customs and time-reckoning. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. xvii + 937 pp. 23.5 x 13.5 cm. 17 illustrations. Glossary. Bibliography. Index. £13.5019823. Bland, David: A History of Book Illustration The Illuminated Manuscript and the Printed Book. London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1959. First edition, second impression. 447pp. 19 x 28 cm. 395 illustrations. Profusely illustrated, in colour and b&w. Bibliography. Copious index. The book is in good condition, in a worn dust-wrapper. £19.5020603. Bliss, Carey S.: Some Aspects of Seventeenth Century English Printing with Special Reference to Joseph Moxon. Los Angeles:William Andrews clark Memorial Library 1965. 22.5 x 15.5 cm. 33 pp. illustrated, 5 plates. Card covers, in very good condition. £12.0020989. Boase, T.S.R.: English Illumination of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries.. Oxford: Bodleian Library 1954. Bodleian Picture books no 10. 10pp. 22 plates card covers in very good condition. £10.0020988. Boase, T.S.R.: English Romanesque Illumination. Oxford: Bodleian Library 1952. Bodleian Picture books no 1. 12pp. 25 plates card covers in very good condition. £10.0020914. Bodleian Library: Humanistic Script of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Oxford: Bodleian Library 1960. Bodleian Picture Book no 12. 21.5 x 14 cm. 8 pp. 24 illustrations, card covers in very good condition. £10.0021207. Bodleian Library: Printing and Publishing at Oxford: the Growth of a Learned Press 1478-1978. Oxford: Bodleian Library 1978. Catalogue of an Exhibitioon. 21.5 x 4 cm. xvi+96 pp. illustrated, softcovers, in very good condition. £10.0020868. Bond, Maurice F.: A Short Guide to the Records of Parliament. London: House of Lords Record Office second edition revised. 1973. 24.5 x 19 cm. 24 pp.plan, 8 illustrations, paper covers. In very good condition. £6.0019400. Bond, William H.: Records of a Bibliographer Selected Papers of William Alexander Jackson. Cambridge, Massachussets: The Belknap Press, 1967. xiv + 236 pp. 29 x 19.5 cm 18 essays on bibliography. 18 illustrations. Gold blocked black boards. In very good condition. In a very good dw. £12.0020567. Bowers, Fredson: Bibliography and Textual Criticism The Lyell Lectures Oxford 1959. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1964 22.5 x 14 cm. xii+207 pp.silver blocked blue boards, in a dustwrapper which has wear to the upper spine extremity and a repaired tear to the rear top of the dw. otherwise In good condition. £10.0020574. British Library Reference Division: William Caxton An Exhibition to commemorate the quincentenary of the introduction of printing into England. London: British Museums Publications1977. 25 x 18.5 cm. 94 pp. frontispiece, 52 illustrations, softcovers, a few spots to endpaper otherwise in good condition. £15.0021025. Brown, Llyod Arnold: The World Encompassed An exhibition of the History of Maps Held at the Baltimore Museum of art October 7 to November 23 , 1952 Baltimore Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery 1952 Organized by the Peabody Institute Library, the Walkers Art Gallery, the John Work Garrett Library of the Johns Hopkins University, in cooperation with the Baltimore Museum of Art. 30.5 x 23 cm. n.p. (134)with 60 plates, softcovers, minor wear to covers, otherwise in good condition. £15.0021217. Buhler, Curt Ferdinand: Standards of bibliographical description. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1949 reprinted date unknown. This is the authorised facsimile produced by microfilm xerography by University Microfilms Ltd. no date. 20.5 x 13.5 cm. 120 pp. softcovers in very good condition. £15.0020875. Bythell, Shaun: The Diary of a Bookseller. London: Profile Books first edition 2007. 22 x 14.5 cm. 110 pp.silver blocked blue boards, in very good condition, almost as new. All so true, speaking from experience! £10.0020946. Chart, D.A.: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. xlviii Section C, No3 The Breakup of the Estate of Con O'Neill, Castlereagh, County Down temp. James 1. Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co September 1942. 21 x 16 cm.pp 119-151. softcovers, in good condition. £10.0021030. Clair, Colin: A Chronology of Printing, London: Cassell 1st.edition 1969. 25.5 x 19.5 cm. 228 pp. gold blocked green boards, in very good condition, in a very good dustwrapper. £10.0020925. Clair, Colin: A History of Printing in Britain, London: Cassell 1st.edition 1965. 21 x 14.5 cm. xxi+314 pp. goldblocked green boards, in very good condition, in a very good dustwrapper, softcovers, in very good condition. £15.0020030. Clegg, James: The International Directory of Booksellers and Bibliophile's Manual, including lists of The Public Libraries of the World: Publishers, Book Collectors....A Bibliography of Works of Reference. Rochdale: James Clegg Aldine Press and four others 5th ed. 1899. 18.5 x 12.5 cm. xi+367 pp. (26) black blocked green boards. There is a fair amount of contemporary annotation in the book as the original owner kept entries up to date, a small leaflet of advertisement charges has been pasted onto the front pastedown, several advertising pages have had adverts removed, In fair condition it is nevertheless a scarce survivor, now 120 years old. £30.0019834. Clough, E.A., compiler: A Short-Title Catalogue Arranged Geographically of Books Printed and Distributed by Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in the English Provincial Towns and in Scotland and Ireland up to and Including the Year 1700. London:The Library Association, 1969. First edition. (3) + 119 pp. 30.5 x 21.5 cm. Gold-blocked red boards, stained. In a dw with one small scuff on the back. Excludes items listed in (1) Aldis's List of Books printed in Scotland before 1700; (2) Dix's Catalogue of Early Dublin-Printed Books 1601-1700 ; and (3) Madan's Oxford Books [to 1680] , so the entries included in Clough for six Scottish towns, Dublin, and Oxford to 1680 are supplementary. The bulk of the space is taken up by Cambridge (34 pages), Dublin (24 pages), Edinburgh (18 pages), and Oxford (19 pages). The catalogue is arranged alphabetically by place, and under each place, the entries are in chronological sequence, with the author or heading, short title, place, imprint, format, and STC or Wing number, as in the original catalogues. £10.0020620. Cole, George Watson: An Index to Bibliographical Papers Published by the Bibliographical Society and The Library Association London 1877-1932. Published for The Bibliographical Society of America at The University of Chigago Press 1933. 21 x 17 cm 262 pp. light card covers, in good condition. £10.0019706. Cole, Richard Cargill: Irish Booksellers and English Writers 1740 - 1800. London: Mansell Publishing 1986. 22 x 14 cm. xv+266 pp. hardback, glazed boards, in very good condition. "looks at pirated editions of English writers, focusing on Richardson, Fielding, Smollet, Sterne, Johnston, Boswell, Goldsmith and Gibbon. It shows how Irish booksellers reprinted London editions without authorization and then sold them at reduced prices in Ireland, Britain and the United States.By such piracy they brought these works to a wider audience". It also deals with Irish booksellers in the period 1795-1820, who emigrated from Ireland to the U.S. £12.0020455. Coleman, James and Alexander MacWilliam.: Short Papers. Dublin: The Bibliographical Society of Ireland Vol II No.6. Nov.1923 Nov. 1921. 21 x 16 cm. Read on January 29th 1921, pp 111-131. paper covers in good condition. Contains, "A Medieval Irish Monastic Library Catalogue" and "The Dublin Library Society 1791-1882" £10.0019338. Colgan, Brendan: Vere Foster English Gentleman, Irish Champion 1819-1900. Belfast: Fountain Publishing, 2003. xv + 126 pp. 22 x 16 cm. 23 illustrations. Family tree. Bibliography. Gold-blocked black boards. In very good fresh condition, in a vg dustwrapper. Foster was born into an upper class English family with an estate in Louth. Moved by the suffering in the Great Famine he devoted his life to the social improvement of the Irish poor. He immersed himself in the welfare of emigrants, travelling on coffin ships, for example, and spent his fortune in building and equipping schools. He founded the Irish National Teachers Organisation in 1868. Ironically he died in penury in an attic, but remains one of the great philanthropists of this island. Brendan Colgan sadly died at a young age before the book was quite ready, and it was prepared for publication by Dr. Eamon Phoenix. It now seems scarce. £25.0020199. Collins, Philip: A Dickens Bibliography. Reprinted from The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature Vol. 3 1969. Published by the Dickens Fellowship 1970. 24 x 17 cm. pp. 779-850, softcovers, minor wear otherwise in good condition. £8.0019817. Colman, Anne Ulry: A Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Irish Women Poets Galway: Kenny's bookshop, 1996. 254 pp. 23 x 16 cm. Gold-blocked burgundy boards. In very good condition, in a very good dustwrapper. A very useful dictionary, although incomplete. £15.0019729. Cook, Christopher D.: Incunabula in the Westminster Abbey and Westminster School Libraries. London: The Bibliographical Society, 2013. Bookbinding Descriptions by Mirjam M. Foot. 185 pp. 25.5 x 16 cm. 21 illustrations. Gold-blocked blue boards. No dustwrapper. In very good condition. £10.0019657. Cooke, A.B. and A.P.W. Malcomson, compilors: The Ashborne Papers , 1869 - 1913. A Calender of the papers of Edward Gibson, 1st Lord Ashbourne. Belfast: H.M.S.O. 1974.. 29.5 x 21 cm. xxiv + 221 pp. 22 illustrations, softcovers, minor shelfwear otherwise in good condition. £12.0020376. Crone, John S. editor: Irish Book Lover Quarterly Review of Irish Literature and Bibliography.. Dublin: The Talbot Press 1925 Vol XV. Jan. 1925 no 1. - Vol XV, no 4 Oct. 1925. 24.5 x 16.5 cm. iii+64 pp. 1 illustration. Gold blocked dark green boards, in very good condition. This was the last volume edited by J.S. Crone, after his having edited for sixteen years, and was in a larger size than previous volumes. It was now quarterly rather than monthly. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020427. Crone, John S. editor: The Irish Book Lover A Monthly Review of Irish Literature and Bibliography.. London: Salmond & Co. Dublin: Hanna & Neale 1921 Vol XII. August-Sept. no's 1-2 1920, Nos 3-4 Oct-Nov 19 No's 10-12 May -July 1921. Vol XIII No's 1-2 Aug.-Sept 1921. No 3 Oct. 1921, No 4 Nov 1921, No 5 Dec. 1921, No 6 Jan 1922, No 7-8 Feb. Mar 1922, No 9-10 Apr.-May 1922.23 x 15 cm. vi+200 pp. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. It must have been a considerable achievement to keep the journal published over these two years in the midst of Civil War. £45.0020378. Crone, John S. editor: The Irish Book Lover A Monthly Review of Irish Literature and Bibliography.. London: Salmond & Co. Dublin: Neale 1918. Vol IX. August & Sept. 1917 no 1 &2. - nos 11- 12 June & July 1918 23 x 15 cm. iv+140 pp.Gold blocked dark green boards, in very good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020375. Crone, John S. editor: The Irish Book Lover A Monthly Review of Irish Literature and Bibliography.. Armagh: The Guardian Office 1924 Vol XIV. Jan. Feb.. 1924 no 1 &2. - Vol XIV, nos 3-4 Mar-April. 1924. nos 5-6 May-June 1924, nos 7/8 July-Aug 1924, Sept.-Oct. t.e.g.., in very good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020373. Crone, John S. editor: The Irish Book Lover A Monthly Review of Irish Literature and Bibliography.. London: Salmond & Co. Dublin: Neale 1917. Vol VIII. August & Sept. 1916 no 1 &2. - nos 11- 12 June & July 1917 23 x 15 cm. iv+144 pp.Gold blocked dark green boards, some scattered light foxing otherwise in good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020374. Crone, John S. editor: The Irish Book Lover A Monthly Review of Irish Literature and Bibliography.. London: Salmond & Co. Dublin: Neale 1919. Vol X. August & Sept. 1918 no 1 &2. - Vol XI, nos 11- 12 June & July 1920. 23 x 15 cm. iv+144 pp.Gold blocked dark green boards, in very good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020370. Crone, John S. editor: The Irish Book Lover A Monthly Review of Irish Literature and Bibliogrphy.. London: Salmond & Co. Dublin: Hanna & Neale 1911. Vol II. August 1910 no 1. - no 12 July 1911 23 x 15 cm. vi+200 pp. one portrait illustration, t.e.g.some foreedge spotting and scattered foxing, upper spine extremity damaged. A fair copy only but an early volume such as this is hard to find. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020371. Crone, John S. editor: The Irish Book Lover A Monthly Review of Irish Literature and Bibliogrphy.. London: Salmond & Co. Dublin: Hanna & Neale 1911. Vol III. August 1911 no 1. - no 12 July 1912 23 x 15 cm. iv+216 pp.frontispiece illustration. Gold blocked dark green boards, in very good condition, an early volume such as this is hard to find. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0019921. Davies, Martin and John Goldfinch: Vergil A Census of Printed Editions 1469-1500. London: Occasional Papers of the Bibliographical Society Number 7 1992. Centenary Publication 1992. 29.5 x 21 cm. 124 pp. frontispiece, softcovers, in good condition. £10.0019356. Dawson, Giles E. and Laetitia Kennedy-Skipton: Elizabethan Handwriting 1590-1650 a guide to the reading of documents & manuscripts. London: Faber & Faber, 1968. xi + 130 pp. 26 x 20 cm. 50 illustrations. Bibliography. Gold-blocked red boards. In very good condition, in a v.g. dustwrapper. £20.0020458. Dennan, Joseph: First Hundred Years of the Dublin Directory Dublin: John Falconer 1920. The Bibliographical Society of Ireland Vol I No.7. 1919 21 x 16 cm. Read on Oct. 27th 1919, pp 91-108. paper covers in good condition. Covers the period 1751-1850. £10.0020445. Dix, E.R. McClintock: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XXVII Section C, Nos 6, 7. A very rare Kilkenny-printed Proclamation and Wm. Smith its Printer. Humfrey Powell, the first Dublin Printer. Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co. August 1908 27.5 x 18.5 cm. pp.209-216, 8 plates, in very good condition. £10.0020446. Dix, E.R. McClintock: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XXX Section C, No 3 Pamphlets Books, etc Printed in Cork in the seventeenth Century. Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co. June 1912. 27.5 x 18.5 cm. pp.71-82, 1 figure, in very good condition. £10.0020444. Dix, E.R. McClintock: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XXXIII C, No 4. Books and Tracts Printed in Belfast in the Seventeenth Century. Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co. March 1916. 27.5 x 18.5 cm. pp.73-80, 2 figures, in very good condition. £10.0020447. Dix, E.R. McClintock. R.J. Moss, H.F. Berry.: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XXVIII Section C, No 7,8,9,10. Earliest printing in Dublin in Foreign types. William Kearny the second earliest known printer in Dublin, Chemical notes on a stone lamp from Ballybetagh,The Custom Tolboll. Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co. July 1910. 27.5 x 18.5 cm. pp.149-173, 5 figures, partly uncut, in very good condition. £10.0020415. Dix, E.R.Mc,C: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XXIX Section C, No. 6. The First Printing of THe New Testament in English at Dublin. Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co. July.1911. 27 x 18.5 cm. pp. 179-183, blue light card covers, in very good condition. £5.0020414. Dix, E.R.Mc,Clintock: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XXVII Section C, Number 17, 18... An Early Eighteenth Century Broadside on Printing. Note upon the Leaves. Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co. Aug.1909. 27 x 18.5 cm. pp. 401-406, one plate, blue light card covers, in very good condition. £5.0020416. Dix, E.R.Mc,Clintock: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XXXII Section C, No. 21. Printing in the City of Waterford in the Seventeenth Century. Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co. Jan.1916. 27.5 x 18.5 cm. pp. 333-344, illustrated blue light card covers, in very good condition. £5.0020417. Dix, E.R.Mc,Clintock: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XXXII Section C, No. 7. Printing in the City of Kilkenny in the Seventeenth Century. Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co. Jan.1914. 27.5 x 18.5 cm. pp. 125-137, illustrated blue light card covers, in very good condition. £10.0020418. Dix, E.R.Mc,Clintock: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XXXII Section C, No. 7. Printing in the City of Kilkenny in the Seventeenth Century. Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co. Jan.1914. 27.5 x 18.5 cm. pp. 125-137, illustrated blue light card covers, in very good condition. £10.0020420. Dix, E.R.Mc,Clintock, R.A.S. Macalister, Rev. R.H. Murray: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XXVII Section C, Nos 8,9,10 An Early Dublin Almanack. On an Ogham Inscription Recently Disvcovered in Co. Wicklow. Unpublished Letters of William Penn. Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co. Aug.1916. 2.5 x 18.5 cm. pp. 225-240, illustrated, blue light card covers, in very good condition. £10.0020421. Dix, E.R.Mc,Clintock.: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XXX Section C, No 12 A Dublin Almanack. of 1612. Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co. Jan.1913. 25 x 18.5 cm. pp. 327-330, illustrated, blue light card covers, in very good condition. £5.0018678. Dolmen Press: Dolmen Press Books 1983. Portlaoise: Dolmen Press, 1983. 29 pp. 21 x 14 cm. A catalogue of quality publications. Pictorial paper covers. In very good condition. £15.0020912. Dunkin, Paul Shaner: How to Catalogue a Rare Book. Chicago: American Library Associationsecond edition revised 1973. 23 x 15.5 cm. ix+105 pp. 13 illustrations, card covers, some useful light pencil annotations, in very good condition. £12.0019427. Eager, Alan: A Guide to Irish Bibliographical Material A Bibliography of Irish Bibliographies and Sources of Information. London: The Library Association, 1980. Second revised and enlarged edition. xv + 502 pp. 26 x 21 cm. Author Index. Subject index. Gold blocked green and black boards. In very good condition. In a good dustwrapper. The dw has a discreet repair with peelable tape to the inside of the spine. £16.5019594. Eager, Alan R.: A Guide to Irish Bibliographical Material being A Bibliography of Irish Bibliographies and some Sources of Information. London: The Library Association, 1964. xiii + 392 pp. 22 x 14.5 cm. Gold-blocked green boards. No dustwrapper. With a loose insert of a draft handwritten review by the late Gordon Wheeler, librarian, bibliophile, genealogist, and historian. There are several pages of light pencil annotations of corrections to the text by the reviewer. Author and subject indexes. In very good condition. £18.0020138. Elton, Charles & Mary: The Great Book-Collectors London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Traubner & Co. Ltd. 1893. vi+228 pp. 10 illustrations, gold blocked red-brown boards, no d..w. a small nick in the spine gutter otherwise in good condition. £15.0019273. Englefield, Dermot: The Printed Records of the Parliament of Ireland 1613-1800 A Survey and Bibliographical Guide. London: Lemon Tree Press, 1978. 48 pp. 18.5 x 12 cm. Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition. £15.0019176. Evans, Edward: Historical and Bibliographical account of Almanacks, Directories etc., etc., Published in Ireland from the Sixteenth century.... Blackrock: Carraig Books, 1976. Dublin Bibliographical Series No. 3. Originally published 1897 this is a Facsimile edition. 149 pp, 19 x 12.5 cm. Introduction by Dr. Thomas Wall. This work continues to be an indispensible bibliography. £15.0020459. Feather, John: A Dictionary of Book History. London & Sydney: Croom Helm 1986.0709910436 26 x 15.5 cm. x+278 pp. gold blocked grey boards, in a very good dustwrapper, in very good condition. £12.5020591. Feather, John: The English Provincial Book Trade Before 1850. A Checklist of Secondary Sources. London: The Bibliographical Society 1989. Oxford Bibliographical Society Bodleian Library Occasional Papers Number 16 1981. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. 37 pp. Softcovers, in very good condition. £15.0020588. Ferguson, W. Craig: The Loan Book of The Stationers' Company with a List of Transactions 1592-1692. London: The Bibliographical Society 1989. Occasional Papers of the Bibliographical Society Number 4 1989. 29.5 x 21 cm. 42 pp. Softcovers, in very good condition. £15.0020698. Fox, Peter: Treasures of the Library Trinity College Dublin. Published for the Library of Trinity College Dublin by the Royal Irish Academy 1986. 24.5 x 16 cm.258 pp. illustrated, softcovers. Enclosed are eight pages of handwriien notes for a book review, a tyed copt of that review is with the notes. It was by Gordon Wheeler, a librarian at Queen's University Belfast. £15.0020145. Fox, Peter editor: Cambridge University Library The Great Collections. Cambridge University Press 1998. 24.5 x 19 cm. 231 pp.extensively illustrated, in very good condition. £10.0020911. Francis, Sir Frank: Bibliographical Information in Manuscript Collections. New Brunswick, N.J. Rutgers University Graduate School of Library Service 1972. 27.5 x 21.5 cm. First Annual Richard H. Shoemaker Lecture 1971. xi+27 pp. frontispiece portrait, card cover, minor wear otherwise in good condition. £10.0019696. Gameson, Richard: The Earliest Books of Canterbury Cathedral. Manuscripts and Fragments to c. 1200. London: The Bibliographical Society, The British Library, The Dean and Chapter of Canterbury 2008. 413 pp. extensively illustrated, gold blocked blue boards, in very good condition, in a good dustwrapper. £23.0020930. Gaskell, Philip: From Writer to Reader Studies in editorial method. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1978. 24 x 16 cm.viii+268 pp. illustrated with 12 examples gold blocked dark blue coards, in very good condition, in a v.g. dustwrapper. £12.0019815. Goldschmidt, E. P H: Medieval Texts and Their First Appearance in Print. London: The Bibliographical Society at the University Press, Oxford, 1943. xxv + 144 pp. 20.5 x 15.5 cm. Frontispiece. Index. Gold-blocked blue boards. In very good condition. £20.0020334. Goulden, Richard J.: The Ornamental Stock of Henry Woodfall 1719-1747. London: The Bibliographical Society 1988. Occasional papers of the Bibliographical Society number 3. 1988. 29.5 x 21 cm. xi+86 pp. 390 illustrations, softcovers, in very good condition. £12.0020456. Greeves, J.R.H.: Two Irish Printing Families. Belfast: Reprinted from Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society Second Series Vol. 4. 9th. Jan. 1954. 26.5 x 19 cm. pp 38-44. paper covers in good condition. The two families were, Blow in Belfast and Grierson in Dublin, both connected by ties of marriage and trade. £10.0019256. Grosjean, Paul and Daniel O'Connell: A Catalogue of Incunabula in the Library at Milltown Park Dublin. Dublin: At the Sign of the Three Candles, 1932 xii + 53 pp. 24 x 15.5 cm. Gold-blocked tan boards, with black binding strip. Partly uncut. In very good condition. In a very good dustwrapper. £50.0020590. Guppy, Henry: Rules for the Cataloguing of Incunabula. London: University and Research Section of the Library Association 2nd edition revised 32. 26 x 16.5 cm. 16 pp. soft covers, with a 6pp loose insert," A Guide to the Description of Incunabula in the Gesamtkatalog", some chipping to edges of covers, otherwise good. £10.0019354. Hanks, et al: The Oxford Names Companion Oxford: Oxford Univery Press, 2002. Three volumes in one: A Dictionary of Surnames; A Dictionary of First Names; and A Dictionaryof British Place-names. xvi + 1264 pp. 24.5 x 18.5 cm. Printed glazed card covers. Slight crease to front cover, o/w in good condition. Unpackaged weight 1,950 g, which may require extra postage if posting overseas. £10.0020031. Harmon, Maurice: Select Bibliography for the study of Anglo-Irish Literature and its Backgrounds. Dublin: Wolfhound Press 1977. 22 x 15.5 cm. 187 pp. gold blocked black boards, in a rubbed, slightly worn dustwrapper. £8.0020222. Heaney, Howell and Rudolf Hirsch editors: Selective Check Lists of Bibliographical Scholarship Series B 1956-1962 Charlottesville: The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia 1966. 25 x 17 cm. 247 pp. hardcover, no dustwrapper, in very good condition. £15.0020464. Helferty, Seamus & Raymond Refausse: Directory of Irish Archives First Edition. Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1988. 24 x 16.5 cm. 112 pp. soft covers. In very good condition. £10.0020141. Hills, Richard L.: Papermaking in Britain 1488-1988. A Short History. London: Athlone Press 1988. 25.5 x 19.5 cm. ix+249 pp. 59 illustrations, gold blocked red boards, in very good condition, in a very good dustwrapper. £15.0019839. Hind, Arthur M.: A History of Engraving & Etching from the 15th Century to the year 1914. New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1963. Third and fully revised edition. xviii + 487 + (4) pp. 21 x 13.5 cm. Frontispiece and 110 illustrations. Pictorial card covers. In good condition. £10.0020483. Holland, Steve: The Mushroom Jungle A History of Postwar Paperback Publishing. Wiltshire: Zeon Books 1993. 23 x 16 cm.196 pp. illustrated in monochrome and colour, softcovers, in very good condition, near mint. £10.0019432. Horne, Alan: The Dictionary of 20th Century British Book Illustrators. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Antique Collectors' Club, 1995. Reprint. 456 pp. 28 x 21.5 cm. Profusely illustrated in colour and b&w. Gold blocked blue boards. In very good condition, in a very good dw. £28.0020866. House of Lords Record Office.: A List of Representative Peers for Scotland, 1707 to 1963, and for Ireland, 1800 to 1961 London: House of Lords Record Office Memorandum No 39. 1968. 33 x 20.5 cm. 41 pp. paper covers. In very good condition. £10.0020873. House of Lords Record Office.: Select List of Classes of Records in the House of Lords Record Office. London: House of Lords Record Office Memorandum No 1.ninth edition revised 1973 29.5 x 20.5 cm. 14 pp. paper covers. In very good condition. £5.0019826. Hunter, Dard: Papermaking The History and Technique of an Ancient Craft New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1978. xxiv + 611 + xxxvii + (17) pp. 21.5 x 13.5 cm. "Over 320 illustrations". Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition. Almost as new. £12.0020022. Hunter, David: Opera and Song Books Published in England 1703-1726 a descriptive bibliography. London: Bibliographical Society 1997. 25 x 16.5 cm. xlix+521 pp. 80 plates, gilt blocked navy boards, no dustwrapper, as issued, in very good condition, almost as new. A heavy book overseas shipping may require extra postage charges. £10.0020592. Hyatt King, A .: Four Hundred years of Music Printing London: British Museum 1964. 21.5 x 14 cm. 32 pp. 20 plates, softcovers, in very good condition. £10.0020985. Hyland C.P.: A Topographical Index to Five Nineteenth Century Literary Periodicals Printed for the author 1979. 19.5 x 13 cm. 24 pp. illustrated.softcovers, in very good condition. The four literary journals are the Dublin Penny journal 1832-1836, Irish Penny Magazine 1833, Irish Penny Journal 1840-41, Illustrated Dublin Journal 1861-62 and Dublin Saturday Magazine 1865-67. engravings of places are listed by County with Journal index references. £10.0020999. Indiana University Library: Grolier:or 'Tis Sixty Years Since' A Reconstruction of the Exhibit of 100 Books Famous in English Literature, originally held in New York 1903. The Lilly Library Indiana University May 1, 1963. 28 x 22cm. 48 pp. illustrated, decorative card covers, in very good condition. £10.0014960. Irish Association for Documentation: Union List of Current Periodicals and Serials in Dublin Libraries 1959. Dublin: National Library of Ireland, 1960. First Edition. (1) + ii + 155 pp + 1 page supplement. 32.5 x 20 cm. No dw. Gestetner or similar process, with printed cover and black spine strip. Two discreet ex-library marks. £20.008687. Irish Booklore: Irish Booklore Volume 2 Number 2. Belfast: Blackstaff Press 1976. Gracey, Jim. Gracey, Diane. McClelland, Aiken. editors, 24.5 by 15.5 cms. pp. x: 217-322. illustrated, card covers, in very good condition. Articles include, The contemporary editions of Tone's Argument on behalf of the Catholics, James Dartas an early Dublin Stationer, a checklist of the publications of John and William Neale, William Steele Dickson, The Armagh Public Library, A County Down private printing press, William Allingham a bibliographical survey and others. Vol 2 index a loose insert to this volume £12.508689. Irish Booklore: Irish Booklore Volume 3 Number 2. Belfast: Blackstaff Press 1977. editor Wesley McCann. 23 by 17.5 cms. pp. viii: 76-140. illustrated, laminated card covers, an ex-library copy, bookplate removed from ffep otherwise in very good condition. Articles include, Papermaking in Ireland in 1590, John Denton desires William Kearney to print books for use in Down c.1588 a sidelight on printing in Ireland, Early English books in Armagh Public Library: a short title catalogue of books printed before 1641, Forrest Reid and Kenneth's magazine, the bibliography of Somerville and Ross's Through Connemara in a governess cart, and others. £10.008690. Irish Booklore: Irish Booklore Volume 4 Number 1. Belfast: Blackstaff Press 1978. Editor Wesley McCann. 22.5 by 17 cms. pp.iv: 1-71. illustrated, card covers, in very good condition. Articles include, Edward Norman Carrothers 1898-1977 an appreciation, the spread of provincial printing in Ireland up to 1850, Library provision for children in County Down prior to 1850, Thomas Carnduff 1886-1956 chapters from an unpublished autobiography, Richard Rowley: an introductory bibliography, and others. £10.0021171. Jackson, Sidney L.: Libraries and Librarianship in the West A Brief History. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company 1974. 23.5 x 15.5 cm. xiv+489 pp. hardback, in very good condition. £15.0020317. Jessop, Norma R. and Christine J. Nudds editors: Guide to collections in Dublin Libraries Printed Books to 1850 and Special Collections. Dublin: Reprint Limited 1982. 31 (7) pp. green card covers, in very good condition. It is not comprehensive. The Irish Railway Record Society and Archive at Heuston is unmentioned. £12.0019659. John Ross and Co. (Morgans): Auction Catalogue Castlewellan Castle County Down Belfast: John Ross & Co. 1964. Catalogue of French and English antique furnishings, oil paintings, porcelain, English and Continental silver, Sheffield plate, tapestries and library. A three day auction 5th-7th Oct. 1964.14.5 x 18.5 cm. 62 pp. 25 illustrations in black and white, card covers, in very good condition. £23.0020052. Johnson, A.F: Type Designs Their History and Develoment. London: Andre Deutsch A Grafton Book, new and revised 3rd edition 1966. 21 x14 cm. viii+184 pp. 43 figures, silver blocked blue boards, no dustwrapper, in very good condition, a standard work. £15.0020215. Johnson, Elmer D. and Michael H. Harris: History of Libraries in the Western World. Metuchen, N.J. The Screcrow Press 1976. 3rd edition completely revised. 22 x 14.5 cm. v+354 pp. silver blocked blue boards, no dustwrapper, in very good condition. £15.0020314. Kennedy, Michael, Richard Clarke, Edgar Turner and Brian Mayne.: The Prayer Books of the Church of Ireland 1551 - 2004. Blackrock: The Columba Press 2004. 20 x 14 cm.48 pp. card covers, in very good condition, almost as new £18.0021121. Kinane, Vincent: A Brief History of Printing and Publishing in Ireland . Dublin: National Print Museum 2002. 22 x 15 cm. Printed as a Limited Edition of 950 copies. Dedicated to the memory of Vincent Kinane.47 pp. illustrated, gold blocked dark green covers, in very good condition. £25.0020349. Kirkpatrick, T. Percy C.: The Periodical Publications of Science in Ireland Dublin: The Bibliographical Society of Ireland Vol II No.3. 21.5 x 16 cm. Read on January 29th 1921, pp 33- 58. paper covers in good condition. The Presidential Address for the Session 1920-21. £10.0020955. Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society Ltd.: Proceedings of Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society Literary and Historical Section Vol X Part 1. The Library Catalogue of Anthony Higgin, Dean of Ripon (1608-1624) Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society Ltd.June 1962. 24.5 x 17.5 cm. 75 pp.softcovers, in very good condition. £15.0020611. Leeson, Francis: A Guide to the Records of the British State Tontines and Life Annuities of the 17th & 18th Centuries. Shalfleet Manor Isle of Wight first edition 1968. 21 x 15 cm. 21 pp.card covers, in good condition. £15.0021210. Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut: Seventy Books about Bookmaking A Guide to theStudy and Appreciation of Printing New York: Columbia University Press 1941. 21.5 x 13.5 cm. 252 pp. illustrated, hardback,, in very good condition. £10.0019389. Lejard, Andre, editor.: The Art of the French Book from early manuscripts to the present time. London: Paul Elek, 1945? (iv) + 166 pp. 32 x 24.5 cm. 182 illustrations, many in colour. Bibliography. Quarter cloth and white blocked black boards. No dw. Bruising to spine. Signs of wear to edges of boards, and spine. £45.0020058. Lennon, Sean: Irish Gothic Writers Bram Stoker and the Irish Supernatural Tradition. Dublin Corporation Public Libraries n.d. 21 x 14.5 cm. 34 pp.illustrated by the author., softcovers, in very good condition. £10.0020953. Library of Congress: Bibliographic Description of Rare Books Washington: Library of Congress 1981.Office for Descriptive Cataloging Policy Processing Services. Rules formulated under AACR 2 and ISBD (A) for the cataloging of Rare Books and other Special Printed Materials. 28 x 21.5 cm. 62 pp. softcovers, in very good condition. £10.0021019. Lilly Library: Ex Libris Joseph Kirby Lilly Medicine An Exhibition of Books Relating to Medicine and Surgery from the Collection formed by J.K.Lilly. Indiana University Library Bloomington 197- (?). 28 x 21.5 cm. Lilly Library Publication no 11.100pp, card covers, in very good condition. £15.0021018. Lilly Library: Exotic Printing and the Expansion of Europe 1492-1840 Indiana University Library Bloomington 1972. 28 x 21.5 cm. 81pp,illustrated, card covers, in very good condition. £10.0021016. Lilly Library: Printing and the Mind of Man. Indiana University Library Bloomington 1973. 28 x 21.5 cm. 81+6 pp, card covers, in very good condition. £10.0020870. Lohan, Rena: Guide to the Archives of The Office of Public Works. Dublin: The Stationery Office for OPW, Oifig na nOibreacha Poibli, The Office of Public Works 1994. 28.5 x 21 cm. xx+307 pp. maps, plans illustrations, softcovers, in very good condition. This is a heavy book and overseas shipping may require extra shipping, please ask for details. £32.0019265. Long, Gerard, editor: Books Beyond the Pale Aspects of the Provincial Book Trade in Ireland before 1850. Dublin: The Rare Books Group of the Library Association of Ireland, 1996. xiii + 154 pp. 23.5 x 15.5 cm. The first publication of The Rare Books Group. Topics include: the book trade in the expanding economy of the seventeenth century; the Catholic Press in eighteenth century Munster; publication by subscription in Belfast; printing and publishing in Drogheda; the book trades in Galway; Tadhg Gaelach O'Suilleabhain's Pious Miscellany; and the radical newspapers and pamphlets of the United Irishmen. Index. Pictorial semi matt card covers. In very good condition. £23.0019272. Lynham, E. W.: The Irish Character in Print 1571-1923. Shannon: Irish University Press, 1969. First published 1924 (in The Library, Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, 4th series, Vol IV, No 4, March). OUP offprint 1924. lx + 40 pp. 21 x 13.5 cm. Introduction by Alf MacLochlainn. 21 illustrations. 6 plates. Pictorial matt card covers. In very good condition, almost as new. £18.0020422. M. L'Abbe Breuil and R.A.S.Macalister.: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XXXVI Section C, No 1, A Study of the Chronology of Bronze Age Sculpture in Ireland. Printing in Cork in the First Quarter of the Eighteeth Century (1701-1725) Dublin: Hodges Figgis & Co. JAug.1921. 25 x 18.5 cm. pp. 1-15, illustrated, blue light card covers, in very good condition. £5.0020311. Maddison, R.E.W.: Robert Boyle and the Irish Bible. Manchester: John Rylands Library 1948. 24.5 x 15 cm. pp.81-1101 five illustrations, in very good condition. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Vol 41 no 1 Sept.1958 £12.0020764. Maggs Bros: Provincial Bookbinding in Great Britain Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century Catalogue 1014. London: Spring 1981. 100 pp. illustrated, 41 full page illustrations,.softcovers, in good condition. The catalogue has a number of Irish examples which makes the title somewhat misleading surely, if one wants to be pedantic. £10.0020147. Maggs Bros Ltd: Bookbinding in Great Britain 16th - 20th century. Catalogue 893. London: Maggs Bros Ltd.1964. Limited to 1400 copies. 24.5 x 18.5 cm. 192 pp. illustrated in monochrome, softcovers, in good condition. A heavy item, overseas shipping may incur extra postage charges. £12.0020148. Maggs Bros Ltd: Bookbinding in Great Britain 16th - 20th century. Catalogue 966.. London: Maggs Bros Ltd. Summer1975. Limited to 1400 copies. 24.5 x 18.5 cm. 292 pp. illustrated in monochrome, softcovers, in good condition. A heavy item, overseas shipping may incur extra postage charges. £12.0019656. Malcomson, A. P. W. compiler: Eighteenth Century Irish Official Papers in Great Britain. Private Collections volume Two. Belfast: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland 1990. 35 x 12.5 cm. x + 494 pp. 46 illustrations, gold blocked blue boards, in a in a dustwraper whose upper edge is a little worn, otherwise in very good condition. This is a heavy book and will require extra shipping charges for overseas shipping. Overseas customers should check with us about shipping before ordering. The destruction of the Public Record Office in Dublin in 1922 caused major losses. PRONI has been seeking out replacenents in private holdings of possibly lost official papers. This volume is part of that effort. £25.0021208. Manley, K.A. editor: Careering Along With Books. Studies in the History of British Public Libraries and Librarianship in honour of the 85th birthday of Dr William A. Munford. London: The Library History Group of the Library Association 1996. Library History Vol. 12. 21.5 x 14.5 cm. xvi+276 pp. illustrated, softcovers, in very good condition. There are three sections, Tributes and Autobiography, Studies in British Librarianship, and Studies in Public Library History. £0.0021022. Manley, K.KL. and Mark Purcell editors: Library History National Trust Issue. Leeds: Manley Publishing Volume 18 no 1 November 2002. 24.5 x 17.5 cm.pp. 153-241 illustrated, coftcovers, in very good condition. £12.0019194. McCarthy, Muriel: Marsh's Library, Dublin All Graduates & Gentlemen.. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2003. 272 pp. 24 x 17 cm. 38 illustrations and 8 plates. Pictorial glazed card covers. Apart from some top edge creasing to the rear cover in good condition. £15.0020266. McCoy, Jack compiler: An Index to County Down and Lisburn Area in the "Northern Star" 1792-1797 Ballynahinch: S.E.L.B. Library and information Service 1992. 29.5 x 21 cm. no pagination in (68) very good condition. £15.0020507. McCoy, Jack compiler: An Index to County Down and Lisburn items in the "Northern Star" 1833-1836 Ballynahinch: S.E.L.B. Library and information Service 1992. 29.5 x 21 cm. no pagination in (38pp.) very good condition. £15.0020510. McCoy, Jack compiler: An Index to the Downpatrick Recorder 1836-1886. Ballynahinch: S.E.L.B. Library and information Service 1987. 29.5 x 21 cm. no pagination (c376pp ) blue card covers, black plastic binder, in very good condition. Published to mark the 150th anniversary of Down County's oldest surviving newspaper. This also marked a tribute to Jack mcCoy who died in 1987. £20.0020511. McCoy, Jack compiler: An Index to the Mourne Observer 1949-1980 Ballynahinch: S.E.L.B. Library and information Service 1984. 29.5 x 21 cm. no pagination (c. 118pp ) green card covers, in very good condition. £15.0019286. McCoy, James compiler.: An Index to Co. Down and Lisburn items in The Northern Star 1792-1797. Ballynahinch: South Eastern Education and Library Board, 1992. (64pp.) 29.5 x 21 cm. card covers, in very good condition. £15.0020844. McCrea, Charles Tempest: Tempest of Dungalgan Portrait of a Perfectionist. Dundalk: Dundalgan Press (W. Tempest ) Ltd 1988 21.5 x 15 cm. 126 pp 61 illustrations, paper covers, in very good condition, scarce. £50.0020718. McFetridge, Lynn compiler: Ballymoney a reading list to celebrate 150 years of a Library service in Ballymoney. North Eastern Education and Library Board Library Service May 1989. 21 x 14.5 cm. 21 pp. card covers, in very good condition. £10.0019260. McKelvie, Colin: Early English Books in Armagh Public Library: a short-title catalogue of books printed before 1641. Dundalk: Tempest, Printed for the Governors and Guardians, 1928. An offprint from Irish Booklore, Volume 3, Number 2 Pp.91-103. 25 x 16 cm. 2 illustrations. Stapled card covers. Dedication from the compilor on the front cover. Several scholarly corrections, o/w In very good condition. £10.0020992. McKenzie, D.F.: 'What's Past is Prologue' The Bibliographical Society and History of the Book Hearthstone Publications 1993. Printed in an edition of 1400 copies and privately published by the Bibliographical Society in May 1993. 31pp. card covers in very good condition. £10.0019828. McKerrow, Ronald B: An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students. Oxford: At The Clarerndon Press, 1951. Second Impression. xv + 359 pp. 23 x 14.5 cm. 23 illustrations. Appendices. Index. In good condition. No dw. £12.0019429. McLean, Ruari: Victorian Book Design and Colour Printing. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Second edition, of book first published in 1963. xii + 241 pp. 29.5 x 22.5 cm. Sumptious illustrations include16 colour plates. Index. Gold blocked pink panel on spine, and gold blocked roundel on front board. Cream boards. In very good condition, in very good dw. Former owner's name written, very discreetly, on ffep. £36.0020872. Menhennet, David: The House of Commons Library: A History. London: H.M.S.O. 1991. 30 x 21 cm. House of Commons Library Document No 21. xi+162 pp. illustrated, softcovers. From the library of the Northern Ireland Assembly library. In good condition. The author was the Librarian of the Commons Library. £12.0019935. Mikhail, E.H.: A Bibliography of Modern Irish Drama 1899-1970. London: Macmillan1972. 21 x 14 cm.With an introduction by William A. Armstrong. xi+51 pp. silver blocked grey boards, in a very good dustwrapper £10.0020039. Miller, Liam editor,: The Irish Book Volume II Number 2 Spring 1963. Dublin: The Dolmen Press. 21.5 x 14 cm. vii+ 37 68 pp. light card covers, in very good condition. Useful bibliographical information. Articles include, Early Printed Cyrillic Books in Archbishop Marsh's Library Dublin, the Dun Emer Press, a List of Plays about Robert Emmet, bibliographical notes, etc. £20.0020040. Miller, Liam editor,: The Irish Book Volume II Number 3/4 Autumn 1963. Dublin: The Dolmen Press. Special Yeats Issue, 21.5 x 14 cm. 69-136 pp. light card covers, in very good condition. Useful bibliographical information. etc. Articles include, Two Letters to John O'Leary from Yeats, W.B. Yeats and Edward Calvert, The Dun Emer Press (2) Additions to Allen Wade's Bibliography of W.B. Yeats, Yeats as a Reviewer, The Yeats Memorial Library Sligo. Includes a loose insert index for Vol. II. £20.0020917. Mitchell, Breon: Beyond Illustration The Livre D'Artiste in the Twentieth Century. The Lilly Library Indiana University Bloomington 1976. 28 x 12.5 cm. 80 pp. illustrations in monochrome, card covers, covers slightly dusty otherwise very good. £12.0020056. Morgan, Paul compiler.: Oxford Libraries outside The Bodleian. A Guide. Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical Society and The Bodleian Library 1973. 23.5 x 15.5 cm 250 pp.gold blocked blue boards, sof t covers, in good condition. £10.0020029. Morison, Stanley editor.: Four Centuries of Fine Printing two hundred and seventy two Specimans of the Work of Presses Established Between 1465 -and 1924. London: Ernest Benn Limited second ed. 1949. 22.5 x 14.5 cm. 342 pp.269 plates,gilt blocked black boards, in good condition in a very slightly worn dustwrapper. £12.0020919. Mumby, Frank Arthur: Publishing and Bookselling A History from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. London: Jonathan Cape revised and enlarged fourth edition 1956. 22 x 15 cm. 442 pp. 11 illustrations in monochrome, gilt blocked brown boards, in very good condition in a good dustwrapper, a classic work. £10.006934. National Library of Wales Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru: Bibliotheca Celtica A Register of Publications relating to Wales and the Celtic Peoples & Languages 1969-70 Aberystwyth: 1974. 21.5 cms. xviii+494 pp. card covers. The cream covers are slightly dusty otherwise very good. 600 copies only were printed at the private press of the University of Wales. It is important to note that it covers Ireland and Scotland as well as Wales. £15.0020025. Neligan, Agnes editor: Maynooth Library Treasures from the collections of St. Patrick's College. London: The British Library 1994. 23.5 x 15.5 cm. ix+326 pp. illustrated, gold blocked burgundy boards, in very good condition in a very slightly worn dustwrapper. £15.0019800. Newberry Library: The Scholar Printers. Chigago & London 1964. Two Exhibitions at the Newberry Library in Honor of the Association of American Presses on the Occasion of Their Visit to Chigago on May 31, 1964. Printers, Publishers, and Scholars: Books Mainly from the John M. Wing Foundation on the History of Printing. II. The Learned Presses. 22 x 14 cm. 59 p. 21 illustrations, light card covers, in very good condition. £10.0020337. Ni Sheaghdha, Nessa: Collectors of Irish Manuscripts: Motives and Methods. Dublin: Institute for Advanced Studies 1985. Richard Irvine Best Lecture 1984.24.5 x 15.5 cm. 30 pp. card covers, in very good condition. £10.006733. Nicolle, George: The Woodworking Trades A Select Bibliography. Plymouth: Twybill Press 1993. x+149 pp. very good in dustwrapperA first guide to the literature of the woodworking trades, written as a select and descriptive bibliography of some 200 books arranged under trades and other groupings in twenty one sections. £12.0020933. Nixon Howard M: Five Centuries of English Bookbinding. London: Scolar Press, reprinted 1979 232 pp. 100 illustrations, gold blocked beige boards, in good condition, in a dustwrapper which has had a few small repairs. £20.0020312. O Casaide, Seamus: A Typographical Gazetteer of Ireland or The Beginnings of Printing in Irish Towns. Dublin: M.H.Gill & Son 1923. 24 x 15.5 cm. 49 pp. with later loose inserts with further information. Paper covers, in good condition. £20.0020383. O'Casaide, Seamus editor: The Irish Book Lover. Ceist Agus Freagra. Dublin: Com O'Lochlainn at The Sign of the Three Candles 1934. Vol XXII. Jan.- Feb. 1934 no 1. - Vol XXII no 6, Nov-Dec. 1934. 22.5 x 15 cm. viii+152 pp. Gold blocked dark green boards, in very good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020377. O'Casaide, Seamus editor: The Irish Book Lover. Ceist Agus Freagra. Dublin: Com O'Lochlainn at The Sign of the Three Candles 1929. Vol XVII. Jan.- Feb. 1929.no 1. - Vol XVII no 6, Nov-Dec. 1929. 22.5 x 15 cm. vi+144 pp. 1 illustration. Gold blocked dark green boards, in very good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020379. O'Casaide, Seamus editor: The Irish Book Lover. Ceist Agus Freagra. Dublin: Com O'Lochlainn at The Sign of the Three Candles 1930. Vol XVIII. Jan.- Feb. 1930.no 1. - Vol XVIII no 6, Nov-Dec. 1930. 22.5 x 15 cm. xii+184 pp. Gold blocked dark green boards, in very good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020381. O'Casaide, Seamus editor: The Irish Book Lover. Ceist Agus Freagra. Dublin: Com O'Lochlainn at The Sign of the Three Candles 1932.. Vol XX. Jan.- Feb. 1932.no 1. - Vol XX no 6, Nov-Dec. 1932. 22.5 x 15 cm. vi+144 pp. Gold blocked dark green boards, in very good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020382. O'Casaide, Seamus editor: The Irish Book Lover. Ceist Agus Freagra. Dublin: Com O'Lochlainn at The Sign of the Three Candles 1933.. Vol XXI. Jan.- Feb. 1933 no 1. - Vol XXI no 6, Nov-Dec. 1932. 22.5 x 15 cm. vii+144 pp. Gold blocked dark green boards, in very good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020384. O'Casaide, Seamus editor: The Irish Book Lover. Ceist Agus Freagra. Dublin: Com O'Lochlainn at The Sign of the Three Candles 1935. Vol XXIII. Jan.- Feb. 1935 no 1. - Vol XXIII no 6, Nov-Dec. 1935. 22.5 x 15 cm. vii+156 pp. Gold blocked dark green boards, in very good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020385. O'Casaide, Seamus editor: The Irish Book Lover. Ceist Agus Freagra. Dublin: Com O'Lochlainn at The Sign of the Three Candles 1936. Vol XXIV. Jan.- Feb. 1936 no 1. - Vol XXIV no 6, Nov-Dec. 1936. 22.5 x 15 cm. viii+156 pp. illustration, Gold blocked dark green boards, in very good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020386. O'Casaide, Seamus editor: The Irish Book Lover. Ceist Agus Freagra. Dublin: Com O'Lochlainn at The Sign of the Three Candles 1937. Vol XXV. Jan.- Feb. 1937 no 1. - Vol XXV no 6, Nov-Dec. 1937. 22.5 x 15 cm. vi+120 pp. illustration, Gold blocked dark green boards, in very good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0020428. O'Casaide, Seamus editor: The Irish Book Lover. Ceist Agus Freagra. Dublin: Com O'Lochlainn at The Sign of the Three Candles 1928. Vol XVI. Jan.- Dec. 1928. iv+127 (4) pp. Gold blocked dark green boards, t.e.g. in very good condition. One of the scarcest of Irish Journals. £45.0019407. O'Ciosain, Niall: Print and Popular Culture in Ireland 1750-1850. Dublin: Lilliput Press, 2010. vi + 265 pp. 21 x 14 cm. Pictorial glazed card tcovers. In very good condition. "A wonderful book, thought-provoking and ground breaking." "Leabhar iontach". £12.0019146. O'Flaherty, Collette and Katherine McSharry, editors: The National Library of Ireland One Hundred and Twenty Five Years. Dublin: National Library of Ireland, 2002. No pagination. (140 pp.) 28 x 21.5 cm. Profusely illustrated. Pictorial semi matt card covers. In very good condition. Almost as new. £18.0020348. O'Neill, James: A Bibliographical Account of Irish Theatrical Literature. Part 1 General Theatrical History, Players, and Theatrical Periodicals. Dublin:The Bibliographical Society of Ireland Vol 1 No.6 1920. Read on November 23rd 1918. [1] pp 61- 88. paper covers in good condition. £10.0020005. Ottley, George: Railway History A Guide to sixty-one collections in libraries and archives in Great Britain. London: The Library Association Reference, Special and Information Section 1973. Subject Guides to Library Sources Number One. 21 x 15 cm. 80 pp. map, card covers, in very good condition. £10.0019680. Oxford Bibliographical Society: Studies in the Book Trade in honour of Graham Pollard. Oxford: The Oxford Bibliographical Society 1975. 24 x 16 cm. vii+403 pp. 16 plates, linen and blue cloth boards, in very good condition. £15.0020604. Pacht, Otto: Byzantine Illumination. Oxford: Bodleian Library 1952. Bodleian Picture Book No 8. 21.5 x 13.5 cm. 10 pp+30 plates. Card covers, in very good condition. £10.0020024. Pearson, David: Provenance Research in Book History A Handbook.. London: The British Library 1994. 23.5 x 15.5 cm. ix+326 pp. illustrated, gold blocked burgundy boards, in very good condition in a very slightly worn dustwrapper. £40.0020987. Philip, I. G.: Gold Tooled Bookbindings. Oxford: Bodleian Library 1951. Bodleian Picture books no 2. 7 pp. 24 plates card covers in very good condition. £5.0020195. Philip, I G: Oxford Bookbinders of the Eighteenth Century. Oxford: Sept 1975. 20.5 x 14.5 cm. n.p. (34) Card covers, in very good condition. "This draft list of eighteenth century Oxford bookbinders is circulated for discussion at the Sconul seminar on the history of bookbinding held at the Bodleian Library September 1975. £10.0020671. Pickford, Cedric E: Fiction and the Reading Public in the Fifteenth Century. The John Rylands Library Manchester 1963. 25x 15.5 cm. pp423-438, card covers in very good condition. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Vol. 45 No.2 March 1963. £5.0020576. Pinner, H.L.: The World of Books in Classical Antiquity. Leiden, A.W. Sijthoff 23 x 15 cm. 64 pp. 15 illustrations, soft covers in very good condition. £10.0019326. Pollard, Alfred W: List of Catalogues of English Book Sales 1676 - 1900 now in the British Museum. London: Trustees British Museum, 1915. xv + 523 pp. 22.5 x 16 cm. Index. Gold-blocked red buckram boards. The spine is a little sun faded but otherwise the book is in very good condition. Scarce. £75.0019322. Pollard, M.: A Dictionary of Members of the Dublin Book Trade 1550-1800 based on the records of the Guild of St. Luke the Evangelist Dublin London: Bibliographical Society, 2000. xlviii + 675 pp. 25 x 16.5 cm. Gold-blocked black boards. No dustwrapper. The late Gordon Wheeler, bibliographer and librarian, has annotated extra information on the list of auctioneers as well as writing some notes as a loose insert. In very good condition. Dr Mary Pollard has been the most distinguished historian of books in Ireland. Her two volumes, 'Dublin's Trade in Books 1550-1800' and 'Dictionary of Members of the Dublin Book-Trade 1550-1800' are viewed as standard works. This is a large heavy book, unpackaged weight 1,700g, and overseas shipping may require extra postage. £40.0020448. Pollard, M.: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. 77, C, Number 6. White Paper-Making in Ireland in the 1690's Dublin: Royal Irish Academy 1977. 27.5 x 18.5 cm. pp.223-234, 4 plates, in very good condition. £10.0020457. Pressley, Stuart: The Archives of The Dublin Magazine 1923-58. Dublin: Reprinted from Long Room No. 7 (Spring 1973) 24.5 x 19 cm. 6pp. paper covers in good condition. Includes as a loose insert a one page list of the entries in a T.C.D. Library Exhibition of the archives of the Dublin Magazine, no date c1969? £10.0020801. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland: First World War Sources A Guide to Documents in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. Belfast: PRONI 2015 30 x 21 cm 49 pp. illustrated, card covers, one small crease on rear cover otherwise in good condition. £10.0019393. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland: Guide to Educational Records. Belfast: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, 1990s. 105 pages. 32 x 25 cm. Early, private, tertiary and Irish language education; organisations; copy-books; national, model, agricultural, reformatory, and nursery schools; government, statistics, and miscellaneous; and buildings, educationalists, and inspection. Pictorial ring-binder / folder. In very good condition. £25.0019660. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland: Irish Economic Documents. Belfast: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland n.d. pre 1968. 29.5 x 21 cm. 36 pp. softcovers, in good condition. £10.0019662. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Town Plans 1828-1966 A Catalogue of large scale plans prepared by the Ordnance Survey and deposited in P.R.O.N.I. Belfast: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland 1966. 30 x 21 cm. 20 pp. softcovers, in good condition. £10.0019661. Radcliffe, P. C. J.: Northern Ireland in the Second World War A Guide to Official Documents in P.R.O.N.I. Belfast: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland July 1976. 29.5 x 21 cm. 29 pp. softcovers, in good condition. £10.0021027. Randall, David A .: The David A. Randall Retrospective Memorial Exhibition. Twenty Years' Acquisitions. Blomington Indiana: The Lilly Library Indiana University 1975. 28.5 x 22 cm. 64 pp. illustrate, card covers, in very good condition. £10.0021026. Randall, David A .: The First Twenty five Years of Printing 1435-1480. An Exhibition. Blomington Indiana: The Lilly Library Indiana University 1967. 28 x 21.5 cm. 58 pp. illustrated card covers, in very good condition. £12.0019723. Randall, David A.: The J. K. Lilly Collection of Edgar Allen Poe An Account of its Formation by David A. Randall Published by the Lilly Library, Indiana University For Bookmen of Indiana and for Friends of the University Christmas 1964. 23.5 x 15 cm. 62 pp. frontispiece illustration, gilt blocked blue boards with a photo of the Library mounted on the lower part of the front board. Printed on quality, probably hand made paper, a very handsome production, near mint. £35.0019248. Ranger, Felicity, editor: Prisca Munimenta Studies in Archival & Administrative History presented to Dr. A.E.J. Hollaender. London: University of London Press, 1973. xv + 306 pp. 26 x 19.5 cm. 7 plates. Gold-blocked green boards. In very good condition. In a good dustwrapper. £18.0020352. Ray, T.M. secretary: Rules for the Establishment of Repeal Reading Rooms unanimously adopted at a Meeting of the Loyal National Repeal Associationheld on Monday 13th January 1845 at....Dublin Thomas Davis Esq. in the Chair. Dublin: 1845. Held at The Conciliation Hall Corn Exchange Rooms Dublin. 23 x 15 cm. 4pp. in brown paper covers. the front cover has lost part of its top, but the rear cover is complete, in very good condition apart from this front cover. There is enclosed as a loose insert an invoice from John Feehan, bookseller Thurles 6.12.1969. A very scarce piece of ephemera. Thomas Davies, 1814-1845, was a writer and poet, a founding Editor of,"The Nation" the weekly organ of The Young Ireland movement and hugely influential in the emergence of modern Irish Nationalism. He died tragically young, on the 16th Sept. 1845, from Scarlet Fever aged 30. This was less than eight months after he chaired this meeting. One of the great losses of Irish history £95.0020676. Read, E. Anne: A checklist of Books, Catalogues and Periodical Articles relating to The Cathedral Libraries of England Oxford Bibliographical Society Bodlieian Library 1970. Occasional Paper no 6, 24.5 x 18 cm. viii+59 pp. in card covers, some old edge folding to front cover, otherwise in good condition. With a typed 4 page review by the late Gordon Wheeler a senior Libratrian at Queen's University Belfast. £10.0019316. Reid, Forrest: Illustrators of the Eighteen Sixties An Illustrated Survey of the Work of 58 British Artists New York: Dover Publications, 1975. Republication of the 1928 edition. xv + 295 pp. 23.5 x 16.5 cm. 91 full-page plates. Pictorial glazed card covers, in good condition. Reid was arguably the most significant novelist from Belfast, and this is his classic study of this great period of book illustration. £12.0019840. Ritter, R.M, editor and compiler: The Oxford Style Manual Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. xvii + 1,033 pp. 24 x 16 cm. Guide to Style. Dictionary for Writers and Editors. £10.005867. Robinson, Kenneth compiler: An Index to the Newtownards Chronicle 1873-1900 and the Newtownards Independent 1871-1873. Ballynahinch: South Eastern Education and Library Board 1990. c108 pp. 29.5 x 21 cm. A very useful index to these two local newspapers, the first of which is still going strong as the town and district's local paper. Light card covers, black plastic spiral binding, in very good condition. £15.0020508. Robinson, Kenneth compiler: An Index to the Newtownards Chronicle 1901-1939. Ballynahinch: S.E.L.B. Library and information Service 1995. 29.5 x 21 cm. no pagination, (c386pp) in very good condition. £20.0019486. Roden, Earl of, editor: The Diaries of Lord Limerick's Grand Tour 1716-1723. Dundalk: Doonreaghan Press, c2010. First published in the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Journal Vol xxv no. 3, 2003. 65 pp. 23 x 15.5 cm. Seven plates and coloured frontispiece. Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition. £15.0020945. Roebuck, P.: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. 79 C, No1 The Making of an Ulster Great Estate: The Chichesters, Barons of Belfast and Viscounts of Carrickfergus, 1599-1648. Dublin: Royal Irish academy 1979. 27.5 x 18.5 cm. 25pp. 2 figures, softcovers, in very good condition. £10.0020867. Royal Irish Academy: Index to the Publications of the Royal Irish Academy (Transactions, Proceedings, Cunningham Memoirs, Todd Lecture Series and Irish Manuscript Series} From 1786 to 1906 Inclusive.and Three others. Dublin: Hodges , Figgis & Co. 1912 21.5 x 14 cm.x+116 pp. softcovers, in very good condition. Also the Index for 1907 to 1962, 27 x 19 cm. published1934, 27 pp. The Index for 1932 to 1953 27 x 19 cm. published 1959, 40 pp. and the Index for 1953 to 1970, 25 x 19 cm. published 1974, 39 pp. These four items cobver an index from 1786 to 1970. £45.0020923. Ryder, John: Printing for Pleasure. London: The Bodley Head revised edition 1996. 19 x 11.5 cm. 130 (13) pp. illustrated. Gilt blocked brown boards, in very good condition, in a very good dustwrapper. Extensively revised edition with a new forward by Vivian Ridler. £12.0021024. Schulz, Herbert C. ,Norma B. Cuthbert and Haydee Noya editors.: Ten Centuries of Manuscripts in the Huntingdon Library San Marino California The Huntingdon Library 1962. 24.5 x 17.5 cm. 65pp. illustrated, coftcovers, in very good condition. £10.0019821. Scott, Kathleen I.: Dated and Datable English Manuscript Borders c. 1395 - 1499. London: The Bibliographical Society, 2002 132 pp. 24.5 x 16 cm. Illustrated with 39 plates, of which four are in colour. Pictorial glazed card covers. In very good condition £10.0019365. Shattock, J, editor: The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature Volume 4 1800-1900. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Third edition. xxx + 2995 pp. 25 x 19 cm. Index. Gold-blocked blue boards, in very good condition, in very good dustwrapper. There is a small black mark on the top of the print block, o/w mint. Unpackaged weight 2,700g so shipping costs will be higher than that quoted by Abe's default shipping costs. £40.0018481. Shields, Hugh: A Short Bibliography of Irish Folk Song. Dublin: Folk Music Society of Ireland, 1985. Booklet 2. 24 pp. 21 x 14.5 cm. Printed matt card covers. In good condition. £15.0020144. Smith, William c. and Charles Humphries: A Bibliography of the Musical Works Published by the Firm of John Walsh during the years 1721-1766. London: The Bibliographical Society 1968. xx+351 pp. frontispiece, gold blocked blue boards, no d.w. in very good condition. £12.0020677. Sotheby & Co: Catalogue of A Collection of English Books of the Eighteenth Century. The property of William Rees-Mogg Esq. London: Sothebys March 1971. 24.5 x 15 cm. 91 pp softcovers, in very good condition. £10.0019744. Sotheby & Co.: The Library of Thomas Percy Editor of The Reliques of Ancient English Poetry London: Sotheby & Co. Mon.23rd June 1969. Auction Catalogue 25 x 16 cm. 72 pp. 24 illustrations, hardback in very good condition. This collection was acquired by Queen's University Library Belfast. £15.0020419. Stanford, W.B.: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. 70, Section C, No. 3. Towards A History of Classical Influences in Ireland. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. 1970. 24.5 x 19 cm. pp. 13-91, illustrated blue light card covers, in very good condition. £10.0020709. Stevenson, Allan: Observations on Paper as Evidence. Lawrence: The University of Kansas Libraries 1961. 22.5 x 15.5 cm. 28 pp. 4 plates, card covers, in very good condition. University of Kansas Publications Library Series Number 11. The study of paper as bibliographical evidence. £10.0019681. Stevenson, Allan: The Problem of the Missale Imperiale London: The Bibliographical Society 1967. 24 x 16 cm. xxi+400 pp. 11 plates and figures, gold blocked navy blue boards, no dustwrapper, in good condition. £20.0019276. Stevenson, Noragh: Belfast Before 1820 A Bibliography of Printed Material. Belfast: The Belfast Library and Society for Promoting Knowledge, 1967. Part requirement for the University of London Diploma in Librarianship 1963. 60 pp. 24.5 x 15 cm. Index. Printed glazed card covers. Signed by the author on the title page, o/w in very good condition. £45.0020522. Strickland, W.G.: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Pictures, Busts, and Statues in Trinity College Dublin, and in the Provost's House. Dublin: The University Press 1916. 21 x 12 cm. 92 pp. card covers, in very good condition. £15.0020610. Tallon, Maura: Church in Wales Diocesan Libraries. Athlone: First Edition October 1962. 23 x 18 cm. 87 pp, light card covers, some shelfwear to covers and an inscription on the front covers, otherwise in good condition. £15.0020453. Tallon, Maura: Church of Ireland Diocesan Libraries. Dublin: Library association of Ireland 1959. 24.5 x 18.5 cm. 30 pp. light card covers, slight shelfwear otherwise in good condition. £10.0019294. The Bibliographical Society: Index to Selected Bibliographical Journals 1933-1970. London: The Bibliographical Society, 1982. vii + 316 pp. 31 x 21.5 cm. Gold-blocked blue boards. No dustwrapper. In very good condition. £12.0021014. The Bibliographical Society: The Bibliographical Society 1892-1992 London: Bibliographical Society 1992 23.5 x 16 cm. 64 pp, illustrated, card covers, in a in a fair dw, and in good condition £10.0019937. The Bibliographical Society of Ireland: The Irish Book Volume 1 Number 1 Spring 1959. Dublin: The Dolmen Press 1959. 21.5 x 14 cm. 32 +viii pp. two loose inserts, light card covers, in very good condition. Articles include James Millington Synge Some Bibliographical notes, Oscar Wilde and Henry O'Neill, Bibliographical notes etc. £15.0020190. The Bibliographical Society of Ireland: The Irish Book Volume 1 Number 2 Winter 1959/60 Dublin: The Dolmen Press 1959. 21.5 x 14 cm. pp.33-60, light card covers, in very good condition. Articles include, Maunsel & Co.Eimer O'Duffy a bibliographical biography, some Bibliographical notes etc. £10.0019938. The Bibliographical Society of Ireland: The Irish Book Volume 1 Number 4 Spring 1962. Dublin: The Dolmen Press 1959. 21.5 x 14 cm. pp.85-104 one loose insert a contents index for vol.1, light card covers, in very good condition. Articles include, The first Irish edition of Maria Edgeworth's Parent's Assistant, Images of a Poet: W.B. Yeats, Provincial Printing Tanderagee, some Bibliographical notes etc. £10.0020297. The Bibliographical Society of Ireland: The Irish Book Volume III Number 1 Summer 1964. Dublin: The Dolmen Press 1964 21.5 x 14 cm. 40 pp. light card covers, in very good condition. Articles include; John Chambers Printer and United Irishman, Bibliography in the Republic of Ireland, An Irish Medieval Manuscript in Hereford Cathedral Chained Library, The Dramatic Inspector, Bibliographical notes etc. £12.0020954. The British Library: The Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue The Cataloguing Rules. London: The British Library New Edition 1984. 29.5 x 21.5 cm. 113 pp. spiral metal binding, softcovers, in good condition. £10.0020027. The British Museum: Bookbindings from the Library of Jean Grolier A Loan Exhbition 23 September - 31 October 1965. London: The Trustees of The British Museum 1965. 22.5 x 14.5 cm. xx+75 pp. (6) +128 plates, gilt blocked brown boards in a repaired glassine dustwrapper, in very good condition £15.0021215. The Library association Rare Books Group: Guidelines for the Cataloguing of Rare Books. London: The Library Association Rare Books Group 1997. 21 x 14.5 cm. 32 pp. 8 plates, card covers, iin very good condition. £10.0020152. The Library of Congress.: Rules for Descriptive Cataloging in the Library of Congress. Washington: The Library of Congress Descriptive Cataloging Division 1949. 26 x 18 cm. vi+139 pp. gilt blocked dark green boards, in very good condition. £10.0021049. The List & Index Society.: List & Index Society Volume 228 Admiralty, Transport dept, Correspondence and Papers (MT 23) Index. Completes Vols. 214, 215, and 227. London: The List and Index Society 1988. 30 x 21.5 cm. 309 pp. hardback, in very good condition. £15.0021003. The Pierpoint Morgan Library: Treasures from The Pierpoint Morgan Library Fiftieth Anniversary Exhibition 1957. New York: The Pierpoint Morgan Library 1957 28 x 20.5 cm. 48 pp, 71 plates, card covers, in very good condition £10.0019831. The Walters Art Gallery: The History of Bookbinding 525 - 1950 A.D. An Exhibition Held at The Baltimore Museum of Art November 12, 1957 to January 12, 1958. Baltimore: The Trustees of The Walters Art Gallery, 1957. xi + 275 pp + 106 Plates. 29 x 22 cm. Inscription on ffep "for Gordon". This was the bibliophile and bibliographer Gordon Wheeler. Bibliography. Indices. Errata slip. Unpackaged weight 1,700g so postage may require extra charges. Pictorial boards. Spine faded, o/w In very good condition. £75.0019390. Thomas, Alan G.: Great Books And Book Collectors. London: Spring Books, 1988. 280 pp. 32 x 24.5 cm. 290 illustrations, of which 40 are colour plates. Bibiography. Index. £10.0020672. Thompson, Craig R.: The Bible in English 1525-1611. The Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington 1958. 21.5 x 14 cm. 37 pp.17 illustrations, card covers in very good condition. £10.0020568. Thompson, James: A History of the Principles of Librarianship. London: Clive Bingley1977. 22.5 x 14 cm. 236 pp. silverblocked navy blue boards, with some sun fading to the dustwrapper, In very good condition. £10.0020150. Turner Berry, W. and H.Edmund Poole: Annals of Printing A Chronological Encyclopedia from the earliest times to 1950.. London: Blandford Press 1966. 25.5 x 18 cm. xix+315 pp. illustrated, black and gilt blocked orange boards. Owner's inscription on ffep otherwise in good condition in a slightly edgeworn dustwrapper, £15.0019658. University College Dublin: Aspects of Irish Life Exhibition of Documents to mark the occasion of International Archives Week 1979. Dublin: U.C.D. Nov. 1979. v+119 pp. softcovers, in a black plastic ringbinder, minor wear otherwise in good condition £15.0020678. Victoria and Albert Museum: Early Printed Marks. London: H.M.S.O. 1962 Small Picture Books No 56. 18 x 12 cm. 28 pp. illustrated, softcovers, in very good condition. £5.0020080. Wagner, Henry R.: Irish Economics 1700-1783 A Bibliography with Notes. (Privately Printed) New York: Augustus M. Kelly 1969. Reprints of Economic classics. First published in 1907. 23 x 13.5 cm. 94 pp. gold blocked burgundy boards, no dustwrapper, in very good condition.. £10.0019705. Ward, Robert E: Prince of Dublin Printers The Letters of George Faulkner. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky 1972. 22 x 14..5 cm. x+141pp. gold blocked green boards, no dustwrapper, in very good condition. £20.0020864. Watson, Andrew G.: The Manuscripts of Henry Savile of Banke. London: The Bibliographical Society 1969. xi+102 pp. five illustrations, gold blocked blue boards, with glassine wrapper, in good condition £5.0019695. Wheale, W. .H. James: Bookbindings and Rubbings of Bindings in the Victoria and Albert Museum. London: Holland Press reprinted 1962 cl (iii) 329 pp. extensively illustrated, gold blocked tan boards, in very good condition, in a good dustwrapper. first published in 1898. £23.0019812. Wheatley. Henry B.: How to Catalogue a Library. London: Elliot Stock, 1889. xii + 268 pp. 18.5 x 11 cm. Partly uncut. Quarter leather. Spine profesionally relaid, with new gold-on-black spine label. Some wear. A little spotting to rear board, otherwise in good condition. £12.0020410. White, Newport B.: Representative Church Body Library The Watson Collection Prayer Books and Related Liturgical Works given by Edward John Macartney Watson M.D. Dublin: Apck 1948. 20.5 x 13 cm. 52 pp. softcovers in very good condition. £12.0020067. Wiener, Joel H.: A Descriptive Finding List of Unstamped British Periodicals 1830-1836. London: The Bibliographical Society 1970. 25 x 17 cm. xiii+74 pp. gilt blocked black boards, in very good condition. Bibliographical Society Publicationfor the year 1968, issued 1970. £10.0021118. Williams, Moelwyn I. editor: A Directory of Rare Book and Special Collections in the United Kingdom & in the Republic of Ireland. London: Library Association 1985. 25 x 17.5 cm. xiii+664 pp. silver blocked grey cloth boards, in good condition in a good dustwrapper. This is a heavy book which may have postal implications for overseas shipping. This contains some handwritten and typed inserts relating to the library collection of The Armagh Observatory and Armagh Public Library from Gordon Wheeler, a senior librariam at Queens University Belfast,who contributed to this directory . £20.0019818. Wilson, Carroll A.: Thirteen Author Collections of the Nineteenth Century and Five Centuries of Familiar Quotations Vol. II.. New York: Privately printed for Charles Scribner's Sons, 1950. Edited by Jean C.S. Wilson and David A Randall. This is the second volume of this two-volume set. Pp.453-889. 24 x 16.5 cm. Gold-blocked dark blue boards. In very good condition. £20.0021209. Winterich, John T.: Early American Books & Printing. New York: Dover Publications1991. 21.5 x 13.5 cm. 252 pp. illustrated, softcovers, in very good condition. £10.0020315. Woodworth, David 1939-1994.: Cashel's Museum of Printing and Early Books A Short History of the GPA-Bolton Library. PAClonmel; Tentmaker Publications 1994. 20.5 x 14.5 cm. 28 pp. 11 illustrations, card covers, in very good condition. £15.00 |